Friday, May 31, 2013

Allergies and Children - 3 Common Types of Allergies That Affect Children

Allergies in children can be pretty scary because children cannot always articulate what is happening with their bodies. So it is left to parents and caretakers to be watchful for behaviors and symptoms that might indicate the child is in discomfort or serious trouble. Here are 3 of the most common types of allergies that affect children, their symptoms, and some suggestions that will help.

Food-25% of children age 5 and under suffer from food allergies in the U. S. and that number has risen more than 15% since the late 1990s. Food allergies affect both boys and girls with African American boys being most at risk. Unfortunately, children with food allergies are more likely to develop other related health issues as your child grows older. Common products that affect children are peanuts and nuts to the point that many schools are now peanut-free, and peanut products are prohibited in many schools to avoid any chance that an allergic child might be affected. Wheat, dairy products, seafood, and soybeans are also frequent allergens.

The best way to prevent a reaction is to avoid the foods. But this is often easier said than done. Read food labels carefully. Avoid products that are manufactured in the same plant, or with shared equipment of a food to which your child is allergic. Inform others of their allergies-- at school, day care, on play dates, at church. As your child grows and is able to communicate effectively, explain how important it is for them to let others know what they can safely consume. Allergy shots or allergen immunology can help decrease sensitivity to various allergens over time. Consult with your child's allergist to see if this is an option. And most importantly, always have a plan in place for emergencies. It could very well save your child's life.

Contact Dermatitis-This is skin reaction that is generally precipitated by contact with natural or man made substances in insecticides, household chemicals, laundry detergents, fragrances, and synthetic fabrics in clothing and bedding to name only a few. Symptoms include red, swollen and/or itchy skin, wheels, and whelps. It is generally located specifically at the point of contact, and usually resolves when the irritant is removed. To reduce flare ups use organic fabrics for clothing and bedding, wash clothing and bedding before your child uses them, and use a detergent such as Dreft that is gentle on young skin.

Airborne-Allergens that are airborne can be found both inside and outside. Outdoor allergens can be seasonal and include a variety of pollens, mold, and mildew spores. The good news is that once the season for the allergen passes, the symptoms often leave as well. If your child's allergies are serious enough, your pediatrician may recommend an allergist who will help formulate a plan for effectively dealing with the allergies. It may include medication, and an Epipen (a pre-packaged, ready to inject dose of epinephrine) for emergencies. Be sure to follow the plan, and make others aware of the plan include teachers, substitute teachers, bus drivers, and all other who interact with your child.

Indoor allergens are tougher to avoid, will not go away without help, and include irritants such as household dust, dust mites, and pet dander. These need to be dealt with constantly to provide relief. Some non-invasive solutions include washing bed linen weekly in water 140 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter to reduce the dust mite population, removing carpets that make it easy for allergens to hide and difficult for you to eliminate them, and use a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier to remove airborne dust, mold and mildew spores, and other common indoor allergens.

How to Treat an Allergy-Triggered Cough

It's springtime; the trees are budding, the flowers are blooming...and you're stuck inside, coughing and sneezing and hiding from the substances that trigger your allergic reactions. Having a cough or cold is bad at any times - having cold-type symptoms every year at the same times is even worse. There are various ways to treat an allergy cough and help you get back to enjoying life outdoors.

There are various substances that can cause an allergy-triggered cough. The most obvious one is pollen, which plagues thousands of people across the country. Others include animal dandruff, dust, and mold. Before you run out and buy a cough suppressant so that you can have a rest from coughing, it's good to remember that coughing is your body's way of clearing the respiratory tract and lungs. It may not be in the best interest of your health to stop the cough immediately. There are packaged drinks that can be bought at a drug store that contain calming ingredients like honey or chamomile which can help to control your cough without suppressing it altogether.

If you have been suffering from a cough for over a week, and you believe it is allergy-related, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor. The doctor can diagnose what is causing your cough, and can also prescribe what would be the best treatment. He or she can choose from a variety of products that are already available, or can write you a prescription. Your doctor may advise that you take a cough syrup that helps to calm the throat but also allows you to continue coughing to clear your lungs.

Once you have been diagnosed with an allergy, you now have a weapon you can use against the substances that cause your allergic reaction - knowledge. If you know what triggers a reaction, you can avoid it, or, in the case of an allergen like pollen, you can take allergy medication before stepping outside. Especially when you have a cough, one of the best steps you can take is to rest. If you have to work, take a nap when you come home. Give your body not only the medication, but the time it needs to recover and get you feeling healthy again.

What Causes Inflammation of the Sinuses?

Inflammation of the sinuses could be caused by fungus in your environment. Molds and mildew are a problem in at least 50% of our homes right now. If these are allowed to grow and you breathe and ingest the mold spores you could suffer serious health consequences.

Researchers have found that most cases of chronic sinusitis are not caused by an infection but are actually an immune disorder caused by fungus. In a 1999 study, the researchers discovered that fungal organisms were present in the mucus of 96 percent of patients who had surgery for chronic sinusitis, and inflammatory cells were clumped around the fungi, which meant the condition was an immune disorder caused by fungus.

You could also be ingesting fungus in foods you are eating. One of the main culprits is peanuts. Most people like peanuts and peanut butter, however, this could be making you sick.

Chronic sinus inflammation could be caused by anything that prevents airflow into the sinuses and the drainage of mucus out of the sinuses.

If you are a chronic sinus sufferer you probably know what is a trigger for you. If you don't know, try to remember what you did, where you went and what you ate before your last bout of sinus troubles. You could learn to prevent trouble before it starts.

Sometimes you might eat something and notice your sinuses are clogged up a little while afterwards. It's possible you are allergic to that food, and for you it causes sinus inflammation and you can breathe properly, or your nose might start to run suddenly.

Going out on a windy day will clog up my sinuses. It makes no difference if its winter or summer, wind is not your friend if you have sinus inflammation.

Dust and dust mites are a big problem for people with allergies and asthma and also if you have chronic sinus inflammation. It's important to wash your bedding every week in hot water and vacuum your mattress and mattress pad regularly. Wash your pillows if you can, or have them cleaned professionally. I live in Minnesota so I put my pillows outside on a cold day to freeze the little critters, and it really freshens up the pillows. Maybe the freezer would do the same thing, I'm not sure.

It would be best not to have carpet in the bedroom, but if you do, it's important to vacuum in all the cracks and crevices along the floor trim to pick up as many of the dust mites as you can. An air purifier in or near the bedroom will help a lot also.

You might have to take a vitamin D supplement if you live in a cold, not too sunny climate like I do. And it's important for everybody to take a high quality omega3 supplement to prevent chronic inflammation in your body.

If you have chronic sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses, it lasts for at least a month and will periodically keep coming back. It will make it difficult for you to breathe through your nose, and when you try to sleep it's almost impossible to breathe. You might also have a headache when you wake up in the morning.

I always knew it was time to go to the doctor when I had a pounding headache, a tooth ache and an earache all at the same time. And I better not try to bend over to pick something up or it felt like my head would explode.

Doctors and antibiotics are always a last resort. If I do all I can to prevent a sinus infection, and I still get one, and

it is painful and interfering with my normal routine then I go to the doctor and get a couple of weeks worth of antibiotics.

And it's a vicious circle from there,because the antibiotics kill the bacteria that's causing the infection, but they also kill good bacteria, and often cause a yeast over growth.

If you want to relieve sinus congestion and eliminate inflammation of the sinuses, you have to be sort of a detective. Be aware of your body, and different reactions you have to foods and environments you encounter. If you can train yourself to do this, you will prevent some sinus inflammations, and feel much better

Sleep Disorders and Indoor Air Pollution: Is There A Link?

Fortunately, the answer appears to be 'yes'. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, twitching, and snoring affect millions of people every day. Until now, sleep disorder causes have been primarily focused on abnormalities or malfunctions in the body, genetic causes, and obesity. However, as people are finding varying degrees of relief from sleep disorders by cleaning up the indoor air in their sleeping areas, indoor air pollution is now being seen as potentially the main culprit. And that's good news, because indoor air pollution is something that can be fixed fairly easily.

More and more, the occurrence of snoring or other sleep disorders is being found directly related to the amount of airborne particles / chemicals present in the air. As recently as March of 2012, there was a study done by American Innovative Research Corporation with people that have COPD, testing to see if reducing / eliminating indoor air pollutants had an effect on sleep. The results showed conclusively that the test subjects who had an air cleaning system in the sleeping area got relatively good or better sleep and had less breathing issues the following day. Similar results have been found with regard to snoring. By cleaning up the air pollution in the home, there is less irritation of the tissues in the airway, which reduces inflammation and allows the airway to remain more open (without these tissues touching while air goes past, which is what causes the snoring sound).

One air pollutant known to get in the way of 'good sleep' is mold. Mold produces spores and mycotoxins, both of which cause all sorts of allergy-type reactions when they enter the nose, throat, bronchial and lung areas. There are serious health issues that can result from prolonged exposure to mold, but the more obvious immediate problem is inflammation of the tissues in the airway, which is one thing that tends to cause sleep interruptions. Does mold have a link to sleep apnea? Mold in the home may not cause sleep apnea, but as Dr. Steven Park states,"if you have an underlying sleep-breathing problem such as obstructive sleep apnea, you'll be extra sensitive to molds compared with someone without sleep apnea." Wondering how to test for mold in your home? Simple mold air test kits are available to answer that question. These mold air test kits feature a test strip you rub on the wall, mail off in a postage paid envelope and in a few days you'll know for sure if your home has mold spores floating around, or not.

What else can you do to get good sleep? Well, instead of taking herbs, an easy, natural sleep aid is a quality air purifier that is 1) designed for removing mold spores / mycotoxins, and 2) quiet enough to be used in a sleeping area. One "sleep-oriented' air purifier that is we have found perfect for mold concerns and cleaning up the air in your home in general is the Blueair 450E. This air purifier features a powerful HEPA filter that removes up to 99.99% of particles, healthy negative ions to further purify the air, activated carbon to remove chemical vapors, and an available lifetime warranty. And it's very quiet. Don't forget, however, if you have mold, you may also have a leak somewhere where moisture has allowed mold to grow in your home and that's a problem that needs to be found and fixed. Let us know if you need more information on mold removal.

As always, if you have any questions, give us a call at 1-800-701-2513. The expert staff at Air Purifiers and is standing by to help.

How to Control Urticaria - The Best Way to Control Hives

To speak the truth, the urticaria treatment is very difficult and no sure guarantees are expected for some attacks are drug resistant hence controlling its effects and spread is vital. To treat it well the most important thing is to establish its trigger elements which could be very hard sometimes; they are different in different people and times and sometimes they do not clearly come out thus you might address the wrong triggers. To effectively control and treat it the best step is to identify the triggers and reduce exposure to them.

Substances that can trigger urticaria

1. Proteineous foods (shellfish, fish, peanuts and other nuts, eggs and its products, milk and milk products, wheat soy and others); these foods sometimes are rejected by the bodies of some people who have difficulties processing or breaking them down.

2. Plant pollen and mold; many people are allergic to these substances thus once inhaled or touched causing discomfort on the skin accompanied by sneezing which wrongly activates the anti-bodies.

3. Pet Fur as of dogs and cattle; the reaction of the body is almost the same with that of pollen and mold.

4. Animal dander (cats and rabbits); the soft cover on the skins easily comes out hence is blown by the wind or air to the persons near causing irritation in the respiratory system and the skin.

5. Insect bites; the bites cause itching which may result into reddish welts or mosquito-like swellings. In other cases the bites may introduce toxins or germs which trigger the condition as the anti-bodies fight them.

6. Perfumes; a great majority of the population get irritated by the scents of the perfumes causing sneezing, and if it come into contact with the skin it causes allergic itching.

7. Antibiotics medications (penicillin, anticonvulsants, sulfonamides and aspirin); prolonged use of these drugs result to allergic reactions in some people thus trigger urticaria condition.

8. Profuse sweating; when sweat which is a body waste in not well cleaned it deposits the materials on the skin interfering with the skin functioning, also it harbors germs which the act on the skin causing itching.

How to control Urticaria

In controlling the condition you must address the issue of how to reduce the exposure to the triggers to eliminate itching and swelling which cause a lot of discomfort by doing the following;

1. Avoid coming into contact with hot or warm moisture; you should avoid hot baths and showers for they occasionally irritate the skin causing unpleasant itching. The temperature of the water may also act as an irritant and offer good condition for the multiplication of the germs.

2. Avoid friction on the skin; most of the friction on the skin is caused by the clothes we wear. To avoid this stay away from wearing tightly fitting clothes this would rub against the skin causing irritation and itching.

3. Apply lotions as the calamine to sooth the affected areas; most of the recommended lotions have the effect of calming down the itchy skin by moisturizing. Some even come with germs eliminators hence you will be comfortable as you go on with the medication.

4. Start and continue with the anti-histamine medication; the most effective way to treat urticaria is through the anti-histamine medication which combats the free histamines leaked by mast cells in the body.

5. Natural or Homeopathic treatment; here you can apply natural cures as diet, special natural water and other naturally occurring solutions.

6. Maintain your hygiene; if you sweat or your skin comes into contact with any form of triggers as creams, perfumes, chemical and others, make sure you clean them immediately. A clean skin will function at optimum hence not easily affected by the triggers.

7. Stay away from irritants as pollen, molds, perfumes and others that can cause allergy.

In cases of severe hives you may include the swelling of the throat thus blocking the airway; this form is very resistant to the self care hence emergency care is required. The doctor may give an epinephrine injection (adrenaline) or steroids to control it.

What is Mold?

We have all seen mold many times. Moldy bread, moldy cheese, mold in the bottom of dirty garbage cans, mold around wet sinks and bathtubs, and many other places.

When you think about it, mold is everywhere. The problem occurs when it begins living in your house and destroying it and your health.

What is mold?

Mold is a type of fungus, one of over 5,000 different types! It is a microscopic organism that lives by digesting organic matter. It reproduces by releasing millions of tiny spores.

Mold is a necessary and useful part of nature. It helps decompose plant debris, wood and leaves. In nature it is very useful and without it our ecosystem would collapse. Unfortunately, it is not so useful in your home!

When the mold reproduces, it sends out tiny spores that enter your home. Once it finds a suitable environment, it begins digesting your walls, carpets, furniture and anything else that provides a humid and moist environment.

You can minimize the growth of mold in your house by good housekeeping, especially by keeping your house dry. It is the nice dark, moist areas that mold loves.

Very often, people are unaware of the mold growing in their house. Many times they only become aware when the odor becomes musty or family members experience a physical reaction. This reaction can be a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, irritated skin, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

When cleaning molds you must take care not to inhale the spores that are released when the mold is disturbed. Also, the spores can enter your body through your skin, which is your largest organ!

Sometimes mold can enter your body through eating moldy food or drink, or incidental hand to mouth contact.

Mold is not generally harmful to healthy people. However, for people suffering from allergies or asthma, mold can pose a real health threat. Mold spores can even trigger an asthma attack.

If you suspect that your symptoms are caused by mold spores, you should see a physician.

Allergies On The Rise - 5 Possible Causes for The Increase In Allergy Sufferers

Allergies are increasing in almost every developed country in the world? With all of our medical and technological advances, this is hard to understand. Here are 5 possible reasons that there has been such an increase in the number of people who are allergic.

Climate Change---With the rise in the median temperature throughout the world, trees are pollinating longer and therefore producing more pollen. And while this helps to replenish vegetation and keeps the planet green, its effect is making life miserable for those who have sensitivity to airborne pollen.

More Awareness---There is certainly more of an awareness of allergies today than 100 or even 50 years ago. It is possible that the percentage of people with allergies has not increased, but that we are all more aware of the condition, and are better able to differentiate it from the common cold or other conditions with similar symptoms.

More Insulated Environment---The United States Environmental Protection Agency says that indoor air is 20 times more polluted than outdoor air. In some ways we have moved forward with storm windows and doors, and central heating and air conditioning. Both those same advances have helped to trap airborne pollutants giving them no way out.

Continuous exposure to irritants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, and seasonal pollen can exacerbate those who are already allergic, and can cause the onset of allergies and asthma in those who were previously healthy.

Increase In Pollution---Emissions from cars, trucks, buses, factories, and other pollutants that are sent airborne tend to hold pollutants captive in the air. This increases exposure to allergens when outdoors and can cause problems or make existing conditions worse.

Genetic----A lot of the reason is out of anyone's hands. Your family's medical history plays a big part in determining whether you will have a problem. The exact way that this effects an offspring is still not cut and dry, but it seems that those with a family history of the condition are more likely to suffer with it than not. But regardless of the reason, several things seem to be agreed on by all.

Find out what triggers your symptoms. It is often a combination of things so keeping a journal will help you correlate symptoms with patterns of behavior. Once you are surer of what the allergens are, take great care to avoid them. Using natural and non-invasive solutions in the long run is healthier and cost effective.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Creating A Healthy Living Environment

Maintaining a healthy body goes beyond physical fitness or the right diet, it also requires that you live in a healthy environment. Our surroundings have a direct influence on the way we feel, how we function and our general health.

Where you live, work and play can all affect you physically and emotionally. A smoggy commute to work followed by a day in a noisy office and an evening in a smoky bar can all work together to have a negative impact on your body.

Remember, you are what you breathe and the toxic fumes from sitting in traffic can nearly triple your risk for a heart attack. In fact, when cities reduce their pollution rates, the rate of cardiovascular illnesses also declines.

Indoor air has its hazards too. Prolonged exposure to mold, dust and cigarette smoke can aggravate asthma or allergies and expose your lungs to a toxic level of air pollution. To live a long and healthy life, you need to live in a healthy environment. Here are 6 tips you can use to improve your air quality:

Get a HEPA filter.

HEPA filters are air systems designed to filter out extremely small dust particles that can worsen allergy and asthma symptoms. Choose a HEPA filter that's large enough to handle the size of your room, you can also purchase household HEPA systems designed to filter an entire house or workplace.

Stop smoking.

You know why smoking is bad for you - increased rate of heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke, but it also makes you look older too. Yellowing skin, lip wrinkles and crow's feet are all smoking symptoms.

Declare war on dust.

Tear up your carpets, clear your clutter and start staying on top of dusting. Use a damp mop on wood or laminate floors as you battle dust bunnies.

Hire a mold inspector.

Have your house inspected for toxic molds, like Stachybotrys chartarum - a particularly nasty mold that can grow anywhere there is moisture and air.

Stay out of traffic.

If you can avoid spending long hours sitting in traffic, do so. Try to consolidate your errands to one trip done at a less-busy time of day. If you can work from home, do so.

Fix your leaks.

Water leaks can be a major cause of mold infestations. Leaking water gets, accumulating moisture and creating a breeding ground for toxic molds. Also, check your home's waterproofing and drainage on a regular basis.

Detoxification And Its Effect On Skin Allergies

Detoxification is an essential part of the body's metabolic process. The key organ that is involved in this process is the liver. Because the liver is constantly bombarded with toxic chemicals both of internal and external origin, a wide range of toxins need to be neutralized.

Many factors contribute to the accumulation of toxins in the body. These factors include:

1. Nutritional deficiencies caused by soil depletion and improperly formulated diets.
2. Specific imbalances created by processed food (kibble).
3. Drugs such as acetaminophen, phenobarbital, prednisone etc.).

Thus a toxin buildup increases the stress on the liver requiring strong detoxification capacity.

The damage caused by our external environment contributes the majority of the toxins that the liver has to detoxify. It is estimated that there are over 60,000 toxic chemicals in the environment today-- more so than any time in previous history. Toxic chemicals are found in everything our pets eat, drink, and breathe, whether or not it is indoors or outdoors. We know that exposure to herbicides, pesticides, household chemicals, food additives, and other environment toxins create chronic health problems.

When the liver is over-exposed to toxins, the liver can't do it's job. That allows the body to accumulate toxins and makes our pets sick in various ways. An overburdened and undernourished liver is known to be the root cause of many chronic diseases. The specific condition that we discuss today is the effect on the immune system and skin allergies.

The immune system is the "policeman" of the body. The lessening of this important safeguard mechanism is the root cause of major skin allergy conditions. One important point to remember is that the skin, being the largest organ in the body, is also the easiest route of toxins out of the body. One would think that toxins would be best removed through the feces or urine but this is not true. I always caution our customers that there is a possibility for skin conditions to worsen before it gets better. This is because of the toxins being emitted through the skin area. It requires patience to stay the course and let the detoxification process eliminate the root cause of the skin allergy.

Once you make the changes in your dog's diet to an appropriate raw meat diet, make the needed environmental changes, and work with more holistic approaches, you will see miraculous changes happen. If you work with natural healing substances and holistic therapies such as herbs, supplements, homeopathy, acupuncture and aromatherapy you will witness the results of removing the residue and effect of drugs, vaccines, anesthesia, steroids, chemicals and any other infective agents. The animal will go through a natural detoxification process.

It is a good procedure to implement a detox program at the beginning of treating any animal, in order to clear the residues and harmful effects from all toxin developing agents that accumulate in the body. Symptoms, such as skin allergies, are the immune system's way of expressing weakness and crying out for help. Once the accumulation of toxins damages the immune system, then it has to work harder to protect the body. Eventually, the immune system becomes overwhelmed, and various problems and symptoms develop that demand medical treatment.

Usually the accumulation of toxins happens over a long period of time and to expect an immediate result is unreasonable. The importance of using detoxification to reduce the cause cannot be overstated, and requires diligence in staying with the course of treatment. Primary to implementing this detox program, a diet change to a fresh raw meat diet is a must.

The majority of our customers that have come to our company and are switching their animals to our philosophy did so because conventional treatments are not working. Most of the conventional treatments such as steroid treatments are masking the root cause and further damaging the immune system. It gives temporary relief but fails to give long term benefits.

Allergies - How to Handle Mold and Your Dryer Exhaust Venting System

Clothes Dryers are a great convenience in our modern day world. They make our lives easier and less complicated than our parents in the past who hung their clothes out to dry on the clothes line. Some people today do not even know what a clothes line is. If you do not, do a search on Google to find out what one is. This convenience is great but it does have a few flaws that very few people even know about. One of them is that they can create mold that can affect individuals with Asthma and Allergies. We will go into these flaws in this article.

If you notice that every time you dry a load of clothes the lint catcher is full of lint that needs to be emptied every other time. This is because it prevents the lint from blowing out the exhaust vent. The truth is, it does not catch all the lint and some goes outside and the rest deposits on the inside of the exhaust vent pipe. Generally, most of the deposits of lint will be where the bends or angles are in the pipe unless you have one of the old ribbed metal piping. The problem with these deposits is that no one ever cleans the pipe.

When was the last time you cleaned your dryer exhaust pipe. It slowly becomes a fire hazard and a mold factory over the years. Have you ever opened your dryer and smelled a musty odor? That musty and moldy odor is from when the wind backdrafts into the house from the outside. This is a common problem for most households. Besides the mold, a lot of house fires can originate from the house dryer exhaust. According to National Fire Protection Agency, dryer exhausts cause more than 10,000 house fires a year. Most of these incidents occur in homes and are the result of improper lint cleanup and maintenance. Fortunately, these fires are very easy to prevent.

In conclusion, it is important to maintain your dryer vent system to prevent mold and fires from happening. Having a licensed Duct Cleaning Company come and clean the dryer vent is a must and should be done on a regular basis. In fact, after reading this article, call a Duct Cleaning Company to clean your dryer exhaust out now. If not, you could be suffering from allergies due to backdrafting of your dryer vent into your home or the worst case scenario, a fire could start from your dryer vent exhaust.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

Sinusitis, Allergy, Cold, Flu? - Tips to Figure Out What's Making You Miserable

Your nose is stuffed, your head aches, it's hard to breathe. Something is hurting - but what? Is it your ears, your throat, your sinuses or your head?

"Many people are suffering from sinus symptoms, but it's often difficult to tell the difference between chronic sinus problems and other conditions," says Dr. Michael G. Stampar an ENT in Englewood, FL. "This confusion can lead to needless suffering and wrongful use of antibiotics and sinus medications."

According to Dr. Stampar, colds, flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, and even migraines often share the same symptoms. In order to correctly diagnose and treat these conditions, physicians must carefully evaluate symptoms to provide proper treatment and medication. But, people don't always go to a doctor and if they do, they sometimes describe their symptoms incorrectly.

A few simple questions can help people differentiate true sinus complaints from those that cause sinus symptoms. This knowledge can help them get the right treatment.

Here are Dr. Stampar's tips on how to figure out what's making you feel so miserable:

Sinus or not...

Do you have painful facial pressure, deep congestion, discolored nasal mucus, a headache in the morning, a low grade fever, fatigue or swelling in the eyes? These are symptoms of sinusitis, an infection or inflammation of the sinuses. There are four pairs of sinus cavities, located over the eyes, in the cheekbones, behind the nose and between the eyes. Symptoms depend upon where the sinus inflammation occurs. According to the centers of disease control, over 30 million Americans suffer from sinusitis. And, depending on whether they suffer from acute, recurrent, or chronic sinusitis, the sinusitis symptoms and suffering can last anywhere from two weeks to several months or years.

Sinusitis rarely goes away without sinus treatment. Humidifiers, vaporizers, and heat can help alleviate discomfort, but most often treatment with an antibiotic and topical steroid is prescribed.


What most people call a sinus condition is really rhinitis, a reaction to a variety of irritants that cause inflamed and runny noses. The two most common types of rhinitis are allergic and non-allergic. Rhinitis is even more prevalent than sinusitis, but left untreated, both types can develop into true sinusitis.

Allergic Rhinitis:

Is your nose primarily wet and runny with sneezing, congestion, a scratchy throat or itchy eyes and ears? Then you probably have allergic rhinitis, which can occur seasonally or throughout the year. People with allergic noses typically go through a lot of tissues and are likely to have a bad season. Antihistamines and steroids often help.

Non-Allergic Rhinitis:

Do you have severe congestion, post nasal drip and a nose that's not wet and runny? Then you probably have non-allergic rhinitis, a.k.a. vasomotor rhinitis. This is a hyperactive nasal condition often triggered by nasal irritants such as dust, smoke, fumes, changes in temperature or humidity, hormonal changes, foods and sometimes medications.

The latest breakthrough:

If your nose is not runny, but you suffer from chronic sinus or chronic sinusitis symptoms, you may be having an inflammatory reaction triggered by inhaled mold or bacteria. Molds and fungi found in all environments and filtered by everyone's nose. Traditionally, doctors associated allergies with mold, but new research shows that a common reaction to mold is a non-allergic inflammation triggered in sensitive individuals. Some bacteria thought to be "normal flora" can also trigger these inflammatory reactions leading to congestion, post nasal-drainage and facial pressure without a runny nose. Daily hygienic cleansing of the nasal passages with a nasal sinus spray such as Sinofresh Nasal Spray which is an over the counter spray, may be beneficial by killing germs and washing away environmental irritants.

What's the pain?

Do changes in the weather give you a headache and stuffy nose or post nasal drip? You may not be suffering from a sinus headache. Studies have shown that 97 percent of patient-perceived sinus headaches are migraines. Why? The migraine triggers the trigeminal nerve which causes pain in the forehead and mid-face where sinus symptoms most commonly occur. A recent study in Neurology showed that most migraines were accompanied by at least two of the following three factors: nausea, sensitivity to light, or inability to perform daily tasks.

What to do?

There are various prescription and over the counter medications to choose from. Such as nasal allergy treatments, antibiotics for sinus infection, sinus relief spray, sinus headache treatment, sinus infection treatment, various migraine medications, over the counter cold/flu medications, and much more. If you're not sure what the problem may be taking the wrong medication all together!

Regardless of the cause, most people who experience the misery of sinus symptoms are impatient to get rid of them. People who suffer ongoing sinus symptoms often try to find relief with decongestant nasal sprays, some of which can be addictive. Decongestants are meant for short term use, and if used long-term, can aggravate these problems and lead to additional congestion and swelling of the nasal passages. Sinofresh nasal spray may be the best solution since it is non-addictive, contains no alcohol or harsh stimulants. It often takes a physician willing to carefully evaluate symptoms to determine why someone is having a problem. See a doctor if your symptoms worsen or if they persist for a long time.

Prevent Your Nasal Allergy From Becoming a Bad Sinus Infection

It's bad enough having an allergy with runny nose and sneezing. What is worse is getting a sinus infection as a result of the allergy. Let's discuss how to prevent this.

In Allergy - for example weed allergy in the fall-blowing your nose too hard can weaken the immune system by damaging the nasal membranes. Poor sleep, poor diet, anxiety, too many drying medications can reduce the normal immune response. In allergy, getting chilled, and too many iced drinks slow the good nasal cilia response.

Nasal Cilia

Normally nasal cilia move bacteria out of the nose and keep you healthy. In the early stages of a weed allergy the nasal cilia speed up and the nose drips. Later, the cilia are exhausted, and no longer move the bacteria out of the nose, thereby allowing the bacteria to multiply.

A common cause of sinus disease is the act of blowing the nose too hard. Excessive blowing irritates the nose in the same manner as rubbing the eyes too hard-eye-rubbing damages the delicate eye membranes, and blowing hard can damage nasal membranes. When Big Jim blows hard and loud enough to hear him next door, he is harming his tissues and spreading bacteria to healthy areas of his sinuses and into his ears.

If weeds are your allergy, it is best to remain on the ocean in your yacht. Or, stay indoors and avoid the pollen. Important: If you are in a rainy area, the humidity above 50% increases dust mites and mold so keeping the humidity below 50% is important. Even if weeds are your allergy, dust adds to your misery, as does mold.

Various products can aid your allergy including antihistamine pills such as Claritin and Zyrtec. Nasal sprays containing antihistamine such as Astelin or Astepro help many allergics. If you know your allergy calendar, you can start Nasochrom before the allergy season for good relief. Nasochrom is available without a prescription and has almost no side effects. Some persons do well with the cortisone type nasal sprays such as Flonase or Veramist. For most persons, the effects of the various cortisone nasal sprays are similar, so select by price.

On the other hand, be aware that nasal sprays containing benzalkonium inhibit cilia function. Long-term use of Afrin nasal spray can cause rebound and addiction to this product.

Many of my patients do well during allergy season by rinsing the nose with saline. With pulsatile saline irrigation you get a known removal of pollen and the wave pulsatile action restores cilia function.

Prevent the Sinus Infection:

Prevention of sinus infection is accomplished by keeping the cilia moving and washing away pollen and bacteria.

Primary weapon is Tea Lemon and Honey. Tea contains xanthines including L theonine that act to speed nasal and chest cilia. Lemon contains antioxidants and thins the mucus, thereby allowing better cilia movement. Honey kills bacteria and also thins mucus. About eight glasses of tea, lemon and honey is best. This must be black or green tea, with or without caffeine. One of the compounds in tea is called EGCG. This blocks the receptor that makes the allergic response of histamine and IgE.

Cilia speed up with rest and relaxation and freedom from anxiety. Use compresses to the sinus areas-

o between the eyes for the ethmoid sinuses
o below the eyes for the maxillary sinuses
o above the eyes for the frontal sinuses

This helps in two ways-increased circulation and resting the patient.

Remember Chicken Soup- Jewish penicillin? That also has factors that speed nasal cilia. Recall, your nose sometimes drips when you take chicken soup.

Humibid is a Guaifensin product that increases cilia movement too. Various proteolytic enzymes such as Papain and Bromelain will thin the mucus and thereby speed cilia. Use a balanced amount of these enzymes that you melt in your mouth. That way, you avoid the stomach acid that inactivates these enzymes.

Adequate fluids help too. Sudafed and related products (pseudoephedrine) work well.

Humming at a low pitched "oooommmm" is a vibratory sound that gets the tissue vibrating, as well as the air itself and helps cilia move well. There is a device called The Flutter Device. It is like a kazoo and when you blow in it, you get a low pitched sound that vibrates not only the chest cilia, but the nasal as well. There is an Australian musical instrument called the DIDGERIDOOS that gives the deep resonate sound ideal for moving chest and nasal cilia.

Jump rope and jumping jacks are also effective for waking up slow cilia, but not many of my patients have the energy for this after six weeks of sneezing.

The doctors all advise adequate sleep and rest. Good advice. How to do this when your nose is plugged and you are sneezing? Since good sleep is primary for keeping up your immunity and avoiding a sinus infection, here are some pointers that help:

Set your sleep clock. If you go to bed nightly at the same time then you sleep clock can be set. Make going to sleep as formal as possible with specific steps you repeat nightly such as:

Brush your teeth
Comb/brush your hair
Cream your hands/face

Try to have the same room temperature and bedclothes. Some persons do better with a sleepy music or a TV show such as the Shopping Channel for men or the Sports Channel for women. You may want to discuss with your doctor about using Melatonin to help set that sleep clock.

For that nighttime plugged nose, a Benzedrex inhaler often works well, as does a Benadryl capsule.

Pulsatile irrigation refers to using a nasal/sinus irrigator device that pulses at a rate to "harmonize" with normal cilia movement. This gently delivers saline solution in the form of waves that, like the ocean, come up and then retreat. Used during the allergy season, pulsatile irrigation is effective in irrigating away dust and pollen, lowering the body's IgE level in the blood, and reducing the need for drugs.

In some persons, this might be enough relief and allow them to stop taking medications. This method is ideal for those who prefer to avoid drugs for their allergy, particularly if you are pregnant. If you use pulsatile irrigation to remove the jasmine pollen that lands in your nose, you are still allergic to the pollen, but your body can handle the reduced amount of the pollen in your system with fewer symptoms when your natural cilia movement is active in removing the pollen.

When Mucus is Colored

When mucus is colored, this suggests bad bacteria are in your sinuses. A common cause is using squeeze or pot irrigators that have "flowback," With flowback, bacteria from the nose flows back into the bottle or pot and grow; then they are introduced back into the nose at the next irrigation.

Pulsatile irrigation should be started to avoid a sinus infection when mucus thickens and becomes colored. That is when the cilia are "worn out. " The rate of the pulsatile wave action moves the cilia, the wave irrigation action removes thick mucus that may impede cilia movement and flow. An important factor is that pulsatile irrigation removes bacteria and virus products, and is more effective for biofilm removal.

Biofilm is recognized today as a chief reason why sinus disease is so hard to cure. Here, the bacteria get together in colonies and form a slime coating that makes it difficult for the antibiotic to penetrate. That same coating is sticky so that ordinary rinsing doesn't do a good job of dislodging this product. Pulsatile irrigation can be highly beneficial where biofilm is the culprit because the pulsation helps to dislodge the sticky memebrane and the wave action helps to move it out of the nose.

Reducing bacterial load is extremely beneficial for preventing sinus infection following an allergy. One approach is prophylactic antibiotic. This can be administered via pulsatile irrigation. However, any antibiotic has drawbacks of sensitizing the patient, building up bacterial resistance and potential side effects of the drug.

Reduce Bacterial Load

One answer to reducing bacterial load without side effects is to use Xylitol in the pulsatile solution. Xylitol is a sugar that is used to bake cookies for diabetic patients. Because it is metabolized by the liver and not by insulin, it is an ideal sweetener for diabetic patients. However, most bacteria can't digest it. In essence, the bacteria gorge on the Xylitol which they can't digest. Think of them as soldiers who are now too stoned or drunk to defend themselves, and can be defeated by your natural defense factors such as lysozyme. Now, these impaired bacteria can be easily swept away.

By delivering Xylitol in the pulsatile irrigator, you significantly lower the bacterial load so that your natural healing takes place to get rid of remaining bacteria.

Xylitol has many advantages. It is inexpensive-about five dollars a pound, it is sold in most health food stores, it has no side effects on the patient, and doesn't change bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Just as you can use Xylitol daily to sweeten your tea, similarly you can use it daily for nasal/sinus irrigation.

In my practice I have my patients make a 1% Xylitol/Saline solution.

Add 500 cc (about one pint) of bottled or distilled water to the irrigator bowl. Add one teaspoon of salt or one packet of enhanced saline such as Breathe.ease XL. Then add two teaspoons of Xylitol. This makes a 1% solution of Xylitol.

Using this daily at the end of the allergy attack can restore nasal cilia function, remove bacterial products, and significantly lower bacterial load to prevent the sinus infection that may otherwise follow the allergy.

It is always important to get sufficient rest, use the cilia stimulation I have described, and improve natural immunity with good gut bacteria such as probiotics, and keep a sunny outlook.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology estimates 37 million persons with sinus disease in the US. We can significantly reduce this total number by following the plan detailed here.

Identifying The Causes For Sinus Allergies

Do your sinuses get plugged up the minute spring arrives? Do your sinus symptoms come and go with the arrival of different seasons? Do your sinus symptoms seem to increase when you are exposed to mold, dust, or animals? These sinus allergy situations are just a few examples of when sinus allergies can intensify to the point of real discomfort.

Environmental elements such as dust, pollen, and mold seep into your sinuses. Your body perceives these substances as harmful and reacts by producing histamines. These histamines come in the form of itching eyes and an itching, runny nose.

One of the most common sinus allergy afflictions is due to hay fever and ragweed. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to your environment.

A sinus allergy is often confused with a cold. How can you determine if you have a sinus allergy versus a cold? Observe to see whether you have red, itchy eyes and a runny nose along with the congestion. The itching is a sign that you have a sinus allergy as versus a cold.

Another way to figure out if you are suffering from a sinus allergy versus a cold is to ppay attention to what time of the year your congestion isymptoms increase. Does congestion increase in the spring when the flowers (and the weeds), are in full bloom? Does your congestion and itchy increase when there is high pollen activity in the environment? If this is true, then you most likely have a sinus allergy.

Sinus allergies can erupt from pollutants in your household. Always keep your house clean and use an air purifying filter. Mold, dust, and dander can leave you susceptible to sinus allergy flare-ups. How can you minimize the effects of household mold, dust, and dander? A HEPA filter is a great filter to use that will rid your air of any harmful substances.

If you do suffer from sinus allergies then you can find relief by heading to the medicine isles of your grocery store or local drug store. There are plenty of sinus allergy medications to choose from. Become a label reader tp make sure you are getting the most effective and appropriate medication. Some sinus allergy medications are made for the day time and will not make you drowsy. As opposed to Antihistamines that can make you drowsy.

Sinus allergy is a common trial for many people. Take comfort in knowing that
sinus relief is available, it is a matter of combining the small steps together to get significant relief. By removing environmental triggers and taking allergy
medication you have the best chance of minimizing your sinus allergies.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Adult Eczema Treatment - 3 Excellent Methods to Start Clearing Your Eczema Today

Adult eczema treatment is extremely poor within the health industry and has not progressed since the early eighties. Having eczema as an adult can be a huge source of discomfort, not to mention embarrassment and the mental stresses can even outweigh the physical ones. However, once you know how to go about it, it is very possible to clear eczema using only natural methods. Following are 3 great steps to help you begin clearing your skin.

Assess Your Allergies

Many people are completely unaware that it is their allergies that are responsible for the outbreaks of eczema. Allergies can be in the form of food allergies such as wheat, dairy products, nuts and gluten and non food, dust, mold and ink. Get yourself checked out for allergies by way of a skin prick test at you local doctors. If that is not possible, keep an eye out for when you feel itchy and what you have eaten and/or come into contact with and you will soon see a pattern emerging.

Once you have isolated specific substances that are causing you to feel itchy and cause eczema to appear, eliminate them from your diet and environment wherever possible.

Cleaning Your Itch Away

Even though you will be doing your best to rid your environment of your allergy inducing substances, there will always be times where you come into contact with an allergen. When you feel the itch appearing and the all the usual signs of eczema, immediately wash the area (or as soon as you can). You do not have to use soap, water is sufficient unless you have your non-perfumed soap readily available. If you are away from home, always carry a small container of your moisturizer so you can moisturize the skin after washing.

This may seem a bit cumbersome, but by being part of your adult eczema treatment it will stop you from scratching and damaging the skin which, as you know, only leads to further itchiness and a full blown patch of eczema.


Alcohol is one of the worst offenders for causing eczema. The high sulphite content of alcohol causes allergies and can be responsible for asthma too. Try to keep your alcohol limit to a minimum, wines and beers tend to have a higher sulphite content than other alcoholic drinks.

Scalp Infections - Symptoms, Causes & Natural Options For Fast Relief & Treatment

There are many definitions and symptoms commonly described as "scalp infections". There are in fact quite a few quite different reasons why your scalp may be sore, itchy, inflamed burning red or infected. If you are like many people with chronic scalp issues - it may be driving you completely up the wall and not knowing what it is or how to treat the problem effectively after many unsuccessful attempts to eliminate it can make it seem far worse - like you are never going to get to the bottom of the problem. Well that need no longer be so! It can be simple to diagnose and treat it now and for good.

So if you are dealing with any of these symptoms lets first identify the problem and then some of the underlying causes.

Firstly, if you want to get to the root of your problems, so to speak, you need to be able to identify what your problem actually is. Of course, many scalp infections & conditions look alike, so here is a brief description of some of the most common scalp conditions:

  • Red Burning Itchy Scalp

  • Dandruff

  • Ringworm

  • Dry Scalp

  • Scalp Dermatitis

  • Eczema of the Scalp

  • Scalp Psoriasis

  • Folliculitis

  • Stress Related Itching
  • Red burning itchy scalp can be characterized as any tingling,burning, prickly, and sensitive to the touch or a fiery hot sensation. Often associated with an allergy, sunburn, chemical burn (sensitization of the scalp),or fungal infection.

    Dandruff as most of us know is the process of continual shedding of skin cells on our scalps. Often the cause of dandruff is simply the result of toxins, pollutants and products that have built up on the scalp particularly products like silicone- a cheap commonly used artificial shine enhancer in conditioners sold in supermarkets.

    When the natural balance of our scalps is disturbed, this creates the perfect environment for the yeast fungus Melassezia Globbosa to move in and thrive. This is when the natural process of shedding our cells gets a little out of hand resulting in an unsightly condition known as "Seborrhoeic Dermatitis" (fancy name for dandruff) and we see the highly visible tell-tale signs of flaking and crusting.

    The accompanying itch and urge to scratch are often made worse by the multiplication of the fungal yeast pityrosporum-ovale (having one big party on your scalp). Another follow on effect of this is that the relentless scratching by the sufferer can cause small lesions which weep and ooze or become infected resulting in scalp infections.

    Lumps bumps and sores are also common when the scalp is highly irritated or sensitivity has been aggravated. Candida can be an underlying cause of yeast infections of the scalp.

    Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitols) is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. Scalp ringworm is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. Ringworm infection occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on your skin, scalp, or nails. It is far more common in children and symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, leaving bald areas. The skin might itch and be red and peel or be scaly, have swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) and looks like black dots. The rash is highly contagious. It is normally treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar. Sometimes prescription anti fungal skin medications, such as ketoconazole are needed to clear it up. There are also products direct from nature's factories that can aid the healing process and act as natural antibiotics, although it must be said that ringworm is an aggressive fungus which needs to be monitored closely and treated accordingly.

    Dry scalp can feel "tight", a sensation that is sometimes accompanied by flakiness. It is often the result of natural oils being stripped from our scalps by the frequent use of shampoos, hair dyes and or other hair products.

    Dermatitis of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis) is an inflammatory disorder affecting areas of the head and body where sebaceous glands are most prominent. It can vary from mild dandruff to dense flakey and greasy scale. Once again it is often an accumulation of toxins and products built up on our scalps that our body is trying to rid itself of.

    Eczema of the scalp similar in appearance to Seborrheic dermatitis but instead has the name Atopic dermatitis.

    Scalp Psoriasis commonly occurs on the back of the head however multiple areas of the scalp or the whole scalp may be affected. Scalp psoriasis is characterized by thick silvery white scales on patches of very red skin and can extend slightly beyond the hairline. Scalp psoriasis, despite being partially hidden by the hair is often a source of social embarrassment due to flaking of the scale and severe 'dandruff'. Scalp psoriasis may be extremely itchy or on occasion have no itch symptoms. It can also cause temporary baldness on the affected areas. It is a common, chronic, inflammatory skin disease and is associated with increased risk of melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma.

    Folliculitis of the scalp is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles. It is characterized by pustules around the hair follicles and symptoms include painful brushing of hair and tenderness when rubbing your scalp around the hair follicle sites. Treating with antibiotics for the particular bacteria is the usual course of action but can eventually cause resistance to the antibiotic used. Options include applying Evoclin Foam which is topical. Folliculitis is commonly caused by staph bacteria which also reside inside the nose and sinus cavity. Natural oils such as tea tree and lavender have good antibacterial properties and can also be used to treat this condition.

    If you have a bump or lump under the skin (commonly a lump behind the ears with no broken skin or rash developing, then this could be a cyst. Cysts are liquid filled pustules which can be painful when they become infected. If you have such symptoms I recommend seeing a doctor to be safe. Doctors can also treat cysts with antibiotics if they have become infected or incise them as a further but uncommon procedure if the antibiotics are not sufficient.

    Stress Related Itching Stress can contribute to or worsen scalp itching as it plays havoc with our immune system and hormones which have an effect on production of sebum from your sebaceous glands. Although it can contribute to the problem it is still somewhat of a myth. It may appear that you have a"stress rash", but it is more likely that the problem was already there in a less noticeable way, then aggravated by increased stress levels making it harder for your body to deal with the problem on its own and eliminate the problem. Many of the treatments below include stress relieving properties - like Lavender oil for example which calms the mind and soothes the body.

    Solutions - what YOU can do about it

    Going to your doctor may be the best way to get an accurate answer to diagnosing your problem, but I understand that many of you may have already done this, been prescribed some form of medication of cream (even "heavy duty" cortisone based ones where the cortisone potency may need to be increased after time).

    Often the problem either doesn't go away from the start - or seems to subside but comes back with full a vengeance later leaving you wondering with more unanswered questions and a VERY unhappy scalp! Well the good news is if you don't like using these expensive and often impotent products- or even want to help them along you can use natural remedies and essential oils known to be super effective anti-bacterial busters such as tea tree oil for instance to inhibit or stop the growth of the infection and assist healing/re balancing of the scalp.

    Something that is also important to understand in curing scalp conditions and scalp infections - a factor that is missed by so many doctors, and something not disclosed by companies who sell hair products and treatments is the number of people who are allergic or sensitive to commonly used ingredients in shampoos, dandruff treatments and other hair products. In fact MOST hair products (as many as 90%) contain at least one ingredient that is used in engine degreasers, another is a common ingredient in antifreeze.

    These ingredients are cheap to produce foaming agents that make shampoo foam up, and do a fantastic job of stripping dirt and oily build up from hair. Problem is that they sometimes do SUCH a good job that they remove all of the natural oils and sebum from the scalp thus removing the scalps natural against bacteria etc. Another little known fact is that the most common ingredient (Sodium laureth sulphate) is used to induce skin irritation in test patients by drug companies to test the effectiveness of their itch relief skin creams. When first produced and for year's afterwards manufacturers did not know that skin was not a barrier but an absorber of ingredients & that they caused skin irritation in so many people.

    So sometimes the beginning of a scalp condition can have originated from something as simple as an imbalance to the skins (scalps) sebum or an allergy to an ingredient that can easily be rectified.

    Like your immune system, if your skin has an opportunity to rebalance itself and not be subjected to "incoming foreign matter" and the daily stripping of its natural oils that further aggravates the problem you can allow your body to re balance and heal itself. Obviously buying products that do not strip your hair and scalp is an obvious step in the right direction.

    Fortunately there are a lot of manufacturers such as Aveda and Akin (Purist Company) who know what consumers are suffering from these issues so have addressed this problem. They have applied this knowledge to produce some amazing products with all of the benefits of natural ingredients, with none of the side effects at a price we can afford (Akin especially). It need not be difficult, nor expensive to make these choices and a move to healthy hair and scalp long term.

    So yes you can eliminate harsh shampoos containing sodium sulphates and go for natural Sulphate and paraben free shampoos that contain ingredients such as macadamia, wheat germ or jojoba oils. These oils mimic our natural sebum to some extent to help to re moisturize and nourish our scalp.

    Then there are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oils which contain antibacterial, healing properties. Neem oil great for its antiquing and stops itching. You can apply these topically to your skin for fast relief, to assist healing as well as looking out for shampoos with these natural ingredients in them.

    Lavender calms the skin (as does chamomile tea cooled and used as hair rinse).
    As well as buying quality shampoos containing these ingredients, you can
    create your own combinations of remedy or remedies to soothe your scalp.
    You can also help it along by using natural remedies to treat your scalp such as this scalp treatment containing natural oils to assist healing, detoxify and stimulate hair growth: (Add to
    water (4 parts water 1part oil) and spray onto scalp and you can add to your shampoo and conditioners also).

    Oils To Relieve Itching: Lavender, German Chamomile and Eucalyptus Oils
    (Mixed together and dabbed locally on effected areas has a soothing effect).

    Neem oil is also a very good dandruff preventative which can be added to any of the formulas detailed below and is excellent for psoriasis and eczema & scalp infections.

    Scalp massage with lavender oil (not scented - the real oil) is another
    wonderful way to relieve the tension from a sore scalp as well as treat the
    issue. It also helps to re grow hair and repair the damage done to your
    follicles by chemicals in shampoos causing thinning hair. (Lavender is known to stimulate hair growth too).

    There are many more powerful scalp remedies you can use to treat your scalp as well as many shampoos that are excellent value, contain no nasties to aggravate your scalp and hair follicles. It can be really simple to treat scalp problems by treating yourself to your own pampering session using natural oils to help heal your scalp infection. And then be kind to your hair and scalp by using only products that nourish your hair and scalp such as Aveda or Akin brand shampoos. You can assist the healing process and help restore balance back to your scalp and you hair will appreciate and reward you for it too by becoming less brittle, stronger and shinier.
    As with all natural remedies please patch test first. It is not intended for this information to replace a doctors medical advice, so please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The responsibility of obtaining doctors diagnosis and using remedies is yours.

    Fall Allergy Triggers - Top 3 Triggers of Fall Allergies

    Fall allergy season generally starts in mid August and can last through the first few weeks in November.? Knowing what the triggers are and how to minimize your exposure to them will help you enjoy life in spite of your allergies.

    Ragweed Pollen-As its name indicates this is a weed.? It is ironic that the weed that causes the most problems for allergy sufferers is so nondescript in appearance.? It is tenacious and can grow in cracks in parking lots.? Researchers estimate that it sends out over a million granules of pollen during the season which can then be blown for miles by the wind because they weigh so little.

    Keeping weeds trimmed in your yard will help, as will scheduling outdoor time for early mornings and late afternoons.? Limit air exchange by keeping windows and doors closed and using air conditioning to maintain comfortable temperatures.? If you do the yard work at home, wear a mask to minimize the amount of pollen you inhale; then wash clothes and hair immediately when returning inside to minimize the pollen that gets indoors.?

    Mold-Looking at the big picture, mold is necessary because it facilitates decay and returns nature to its original state.? But if you are allergic to it, knowing that is probably of very little comfort.? Moisture means mold so the dryer you can make the area around you home, the more likely you are to reduce the immediate outdoor mold count.

    Remove fallen leaves from your lawn before they have a chance to because wet and packed down from rain.? Letting them sit at the curb for municipal pick up may be free, but it's expensive for allergy sufferers because of the airborne spores that this will surely generate.? Removing dead limbs and keeping the property free of debris will minimize mold growth.

    Dust and Dust Mites-If the weather does not call for the use of heating/air conditioning ducts during the summer, starting the heating in the fall will send out all sorts of particulates that have had months to accumulate.? These allergy triggers can include household dust, pet dander, and dust mites-all of which are renowned triggers.

    Change the filters on your central system before starting the heat.? Vacuum the ducts that are on the floor to eliminate particles that have fallen in during the spring and summer.? Use an air cleaner to help eliminate airborne particles that result.

    As you are probably aware, managing allergies is not just about doing one thing, it's about using many tools that each do their part to help minimize the triggers to which you are sensitive.? And using a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier to minimize the airborne particulates that will still enter your home is a tool that every management plan should have.

    Natural Antihistamines - A Better Solution For Allergies

    Zantac is an antihistamine that is used to treat seasonal allergies. Also known as Ranitidine, it was originally used as an over-the-counter acid reflux medication. However studies have shown, that it's also a great way of treating airborne allergies from pollen, to mold to hay fever.

    How it works

    Since it's an antihistamine, it doesn't treat the root cause of the allergies. Rather it treats the common allergy symptoms which include runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, headache, sneezing and stuffy head. When the body encounters something that it's allergic to it attacks it which causes these symptoms. An antihistamine blocks the histamine the body produces, making the symptoms much more bearable.

    Minor side effects

    There are several common side effects that Zantac is known for. These include headaches, insomnia, vomiting, muscle pain, constipation and diarrhea. These can range from mild to severe. Beware of the severe ones.

    Major side effects

    In addition there are some major side effects that need to be taken into consideration. Among these are hallucinations, hair loss, confusion, irregular heartbeat, visual changes and brain bruising. While these are uncommon, you should stop taking Zantac if you experience any of these.

    Is it right for you?

    It's important to consult your doctor before taking any medication. If you suffer from liver or kidney disease or have Porphyria you should not take Zantac at all.

    While it's not for everyone, Zantac is an effective treatment for all airborne seasonal allergies. Check with your doctor, who knows? Maybe it's right for you.

    Do You Have Cat Allergies? Here's Six Tips To Ease Your Cat Allergies

    Is Mr. Whiskers making you sick? Exposure to allergens such as cat dander can cause health concerns in many loving cat owners. Are you afraid you or a member of your family may have cat allergies? If the thought of saying goodbye to Mr. Whiskers is beyond unacceptable, then please read on for the 6 tips you can implement today to combat those nasty cat allergies in order for you and your companion to live happily ever after.

    When a cat washes itself the dried saliva sticks to loose hair as well as the cats' dander. It is then released into the air, and when you or the family member with the cat allergy breaths in or comes into direct contact with any of these particles the allergic reaction. Exposure to cat dander, hair and dried saliva will cause family members with cat allergies to exhibit some of the most common symptoms which are sneezing, wheezing, watery itchy eyes, coughing and perhaps even breaking out in a rash. These particles can become airborne or embed themselves in your carpeting, clothing and upholstery.

    In order to live with your fury friend you may want to try a few of the following tips.

    1. If possible restrict the rooms to which your cat has access to. It is imperative that a cat not be allowed in the bedroom of any family member who has the cat allergies. Bedding, carpeting and the air will house these particles and most certainly cause a reaction.

    2. Wash bedding in 140-degree water at least twice a month.

    3. Wash your hands after petting and playing with your feline friend.

    4. Avoid contact with your eyes, nose and mouth.

    5. Place the cat litter in an area restricted to the air supply to the rest of the house

    6. The last and most important step is to purchase a high quality air purifier for your home. The air purifier will not only control the pet dander but any other problems with your air such as dust, pollen or mold.

    Following these tips should allow you or the family member suffering from those irritating cat allergies to happily co-existence with your feline friend for many happy years to come. Great news Mr. Whiskers looks like you're staying.

    Migraines Can Disappear With Alternative Medicine

    Migraine headaches have an increasing role in modern America. They occur more frequently as stress increases and people have less free time. Migraine headaches can resolve themselves, but most do not. Many migraines occur in generation after generation of a family. These migraines may be rooted in genetic defects which surface in hormone or neurotransmitter issues that may require long-term treatment. Diagnostic testing is needed to identify the main issue. Migraines can result from allergic reactions. There are some people with 30 or more food allergies and additional environmental allergies. Managing allergies may be key to solving your migraines. Some people find that keeping a food diary helps to identify their allergen triggers connected to migraines.

    Mold, mildew, dust mites, mold in old carpets and draperies, tree flowers, tree pollen, air particulates, heavy metal toxins in food or water, contaminates in body washes and shampoos, high levels of chlorine, water contaminates, fluorescent lights, and mold in foods are all major triggers for migraines. Cleaning up your environment can require shower filters to remove chlorine, kitchen water filters, ionic air filter systems for the entire house or a single room, removing old carpet and drapes, hauling away extra debris that has mold or mildew in the garage, power washing the outside of the house, washing the mold from the patio or driveway, or moving.

    The allergy component of migraines can be treated with NAET allergy treatments and diets designed to reduce allergies like the Rotation Diet or the Elimination Diet. Support groups may be helpful to some people suffering from migraines. These may be found online for free and can help inspire many successful recovery stories. Psychotherapy can help patients that suffer from high levels of stress. Yoga is a great stress reliever. Mild regular exercise is wonderful for reducing your headaches. Hydration is an extremely important part of avoiding migraines. Dehydration can cause a migraine. If you are a person that fails to drink enough water, try to stash extra bottles of water in your pantry or office. Never leave these bottles of water in the car when the weather is hot because the plastics can leach into the water. This can lead to cancer.

    The alternative therapies that help prevent and treat migraines include Enermed which is a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic medical device. It requires several treatments and may be purchased for home use from a doctor's office. Another medical device which helps in many cases is the Alpha Stim-100. It is distributed by medical professionals and can be purchased for home use. It may be covered by insurance. This therapy must be done one or twice a week for good results and treatments may take twenty minutes or more. The device has a battery pack and allowing you to move around the house or office. Acupuncture, osteopathy, and chiropractic are good solutions for migraines caused by musculoskeletal problems.

    Tuesday, May 28, 2013

    Why The Basement Mold Is The Most Spread And How To Get Rid Of It

    If you do a quick search about types of mold, you will find that the basement mold is the most spread and that's because of different factors: first it's rare when you inspect your basement and if the mold growth starts it can go unnoticed for a long period of time. The second reason why the basement mold is the most common type is humidity and moisture caused by leaks in the piping system and leaks in the roof. To this we can add the poor ventilation that almost all basements suffer from.

    The most common signs of mold are offensive odor, moisture and yellowish, black or white spots called spores. These spores can be transported by wind. If you are conducting an inspection to confirm if or if not your basement is infected then you should start by concrete, wallpaper, wooden tiles, sheet rock and insulation. These are the most common materials that the mold grows on.

    You should be notified that certain types of mold can be harmful to your health; the most toxic type of mold is black mold, toxic types can't harm a healthy person but however if you have allergies of asthma you may experience skin rashes and itching, eye irritation, running noses, aggravation of asthma and a lot more. So be careful cleaning your basement form the mold comes second, if you or a resident of the house have allergies or asthma you must first contact the nearest hospital.

    About the mold removal process, you can start cleaning the mold from your basement only if it's not toxic and if the area infected is smaller than one square meter, now you will be wondering "how would I know if the mold in my basement is toxic or not" well you will have to conduct a test by hiring a specialized service. If the mold is not toxic, than you can clean it yourself, always wear a mask to not inhale any spores and try cleaning slowly in order to not spread the mold to other areas.

    If the mold is toxic or spread on a wide area than you are obliged to hire the services of a specialized party, the average cost is between $500 and $5000 and in some cases it can go up until $35000. Always remember before starting the clean up to fine the cause of the existence of the mold in your basement, inspect your basement and if you find any leaks or moisture repair them so that you don't face the same problem again after the cleanup.

    Allergies - Why Are Fruit and Vegetable Allergies Increasing Due to Food Sensitivities

    You would think that fruit and vegetables are good for you but what do people do that are allergic to them. It is a strange phenomena to see that fruit and vegetable allergies are on the rise. We were always told that it is important to eat your fruit and vegetables everyday because they were good for you. If this is true, why is this happening is the question? The answer is easy but also complicated at the same time. We need to remember that these foods are healthy foods and are important to maintain our health.

    If you listen to all the Allergy experts, they will tell you that fruit and vegetable allergies are on the rise. It is even worse for the younger generation. Children can have the following symptoms of swelling of the mouth, throat and breathing problems which make you think it is Asthma. The thing is, these children do not have Asthma but are allergic to fruits and vegetables. My neighbor next door cannot eat carrots because she gets hives from them. If she drinks organic carrot juice, she does not react so it must be some form of pesticide or something that is affecting her allergy.

    In my business, I run across a lot of people who have allergenic symptoms to many things such as mold, chemicals, food, grass and dust mites. The worst of all them is food allergies from fruits. It seems that something is being sprayed on them to cause all these food sensitivities. I personally am allergic to bananas. They give me an upset stomach, swelling of my airways and the sinusis get stuffed up. The funny thing is if I eat organic bananas from Whole Foods, they do not upset my stomach or my throat does not swell up. This only confirms my suspicions that it is something being sprayed on the bananas that I am allergic to.

    In conclusion, some chemical is being sprayed on fruits and vegetables that people are food sensitive to. It could also be Genetically Modified Foods. These foods are not natural and our bodies do not like them. Very few people have allergies to organic foods so this says something about the Genetically Modified Foods. I personally will never eat Genetically Modified Foods because of this reason. Next time you go to Whole Foods, buy a organic fruit banana and buy a Genetically Modified Fruit from the grocery store. Try the test yourself and you will know the answer. If you find that Fruits and Vegetables are making you sick, consult with your Doctor.

    If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

    Best HEPA Air Purifiers and HEPA Air Cleaners To Remove Radioactive Fallout Dust

    The dangerous radioactive fallout spewing from the damaged Japanese nuclear reactors is creating a demand for high quality HEPA air purifiers and HEPA air cleaners to protect families and business from breathing radioactive dust. In Japan the Government told the people in the fallout area to stay indoors to isolate themselves from the radiation outside. The fact is that this is not enough! Homes and buildings are not airtight and outside air will without question penetrate inside! Quality portable HEPA air purifiers or HEPA air cleaners with a high rate of air exchange per hour is needed to keep the indoor environment clean and clear of radioactive dusts that can cause cancers and other health problems.

    HEPA filtered air purification systems were first designed and implemented during World War 2 to remove radioactive fallout dust for the scientists and observers working in bomb shelters during the first Atomic bomb tests. Now improved versions of HEPA air purification systems are being used to remove radioactive fallout dusts to this day! A quality portable HEPA air purifier or air cleaner can do a tremendous job of keeping the indoor air environment clear of radioactive dust as well as removing regular house hold dust, dust mite allergen and animal dander from pets. The activated carbon and Zeolite that is added to many HEPA air purifiers and air cleaners also have the ability to remove out-gassing chemicals that release from carpeting and other man made materials.

    A growing amount of the higher quality air purifiers coming onto the market now include non ozone producing ultraviolet light systems that can also kill and control viruses, bacteria and mold spores in the indoor.

    PLEASE NOTE: There are many different brands and models of HEPA air purifiers and air cleaners on the market. Big box stores have many to choose from. However the truth is that most of these units are very low quality, made from plastic, not sealed well so they leak a portion of contaminated air back into your indoor air environment and they are mostly made in China.

    The highest quality HEPA air purifiers and air cleaners are almost exclusively found on specialty air purifier and air cleaner business websites found online in the Internet or in specialty allergy and asthma product stores. We have found that the best HEPA air purifiers and air cleaners able to remove radioactive dust are the TRACS HEPA air purifiers and the EZ Air air cleaners. Both of these units are Made In The USA! Both the TRACS and the EZ Air are sealed so well they will pass a laser particle count test to clean dust and allergens at a 99.99 percent efficiency rating and remove particles down to.3 microns in size. This test is shown in a video in in the website shown below. Of the two units, it is the TRACS air purifier that also kills and controls viruses, bacteria and mold spores that may also be causing problems in your indoor air quality also known as your IAQ.

    It is recommended that one unit is placed in each individual room in the home or office that is most occupied and needs to be kept clean. Remember that these are room air purifiers and air cleaners. They cannot pull and remove contaminated air through doorways or walls. If a unit is placed in the hallway between three bedrooms or offices, it will only be the hallway that will be cleaned. Most people in a home will place one HEPA air purifier or air cleaner unit in any bedroom that is being used and one unit in the family room area where people play or watch TV. Both the TRACS and EZ Air will clean open rooms or areas up to 1000 square feet.

    There is no such thing as overkill! The smaller the room, the higher the air exchange rate per hour thus the room will then be cleaned faster and better! The TRACS HEPA air purifiers with ultraviolet (UV) light systems are only 21 inches high and 15 inches square. The EZ Air air cleaners are a bit smaller at 19 inches high and 15 inches square. Both of these units have four speed controllers and indicator lights that will tell you when to replace the HEPA filters or UV Light bulbs. They are both extremely quiet and your best choice when searching for a quality HEPA air purifier to remove and control any possible radioactive dust, including everyday allergens in your indoor air environment!

    Also if you feel that you have been contaminated by radiation or by radioactive dust see the website do a Google search for zeolite where you can find the safest highest quality micronized Zeolite powder and capsules that you can take orally and will do the best job of flushing heavy metals and radiation from your body!

    Thank you for reading this report! It is our goal to provide you with quality and accurate information on removing radioactive dust, out-gassing chemicals and allergens that may include viruses, bacteria and mold spores from your home or office.

    Mold And Mildew Problems

    Mildew and mold can occur inside and outside on all types of buildings, whether residential, commercial or municipal. The causes include flooding after a storm, a season of high rain and humidity levels, shady and damp locations, and leaking pipes or spills. On exterior surfaces, mold and mildew spots can make a home appear dirty and in need of paint. In addition, mold and mildew can affect the interior of your home in hidden areas, which need to be detected and eliminated for health purposes. For example, on the back of wallpaper, inside closed cabinets, near exterior doors, on window surfaces and on roofs.

    It's important to consult a home improvement professional who can correctly identify mold and mildew and apply the appropriate cleaners to kill the mold and mildew before applying paint to a surface. In addition, depending on the specific cause and location of the problem, it may be necessary to apply caulking or other types of sealers to prevent recurrence of the mold and mildew.

    Potential health-associated symptoms of mold exposure include respiratory problems, asthma and allergic reactions. Thus, it's important to eliminate mold and mold spores inside the home by professionally cleaning the affected areas and irradiating the source of the moisture. Once the source of the moisture has been identified and corrected, it may be necessary to take additional measures to maintain a mildew/mold-free environment. Such measures may include increasing ventilation in a kitchen, bathroom or basement, using a dehumidifier, installing an exhaust fan or adding insulation. By consulting an expert, you will receive the correct advice to ensure that the problem will not only be eliminated for the short term, but will not return for the long term.

    Mold can grow on a variety of surfaces including wood, carpeting, paper, food and more. In people who already have asthma, the presence of mold has been found to trigger asthma attacks. Therefore, an individual with asthma should avoid exposure to molds. When excess moisture exists in a home, there is cause for concern about indoor air quality, since excess moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for the presence of microorganisms; that is, mold spores.

    The medical reactions to mold exposure may vary from one individual to another. Some people are more sensitive to mold than others. If a person is sensitive to mold but does not actually have asthma, exposure can cause nasal congestions, coughing, throat irritation, headache, sneezing, wheezing itching and redness of the skin or eye irritation. More severe reactions may include shortness of breath or fever. A person who has been diagnosed with chronic lung disease could develop obstructive lung disease or an actual mold infection of the lungs if exposed to mold.

    According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "one-third to one-half of all structures have damp conditions that may encourage the development of pollutants such as mold and bacteria, which can cause allergic reactions - including asthma - and spread infectious diseases." And they have further determined that "moisture control is the key to mold control."

    Therefore, the inspection of your home for signs of mold, moisture, leaks or spills is considered of key importance by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and they recommend that the source of a water problem should be fixed and that prevention measures should be taken to eliminate the potential for growth of mold.

    How to Avoid Allergies

    Listed below are the most common allergens & how to prevent exposure:

    Pollen ultimately comes from trees, grass and weeds. Allergies that occur in the spring (April into May) are usually due to tree pollen. Allergies that occur in the summer (May to late July) are often caused by grass and weed pollen. Allergies that occur in the fall (August into November) are usually caused by ragweed.

    Mold is very common where water collects, such as shower curtains, window moldings and damp basements. It's usually found in rotting logs, hay, peat moss, compost piles and leaf litter. This type of allergy is often worse when the weather is humid and rainy.

    Animal dander is another allergen that affects millions of people. Proteins that are found in the skin, saliva, and urine of pets such as dog and cats are considered allergens. People are exposed to dander when handling an animal or from common house dust.

    Dust is another prominent allergen that's extremely hard to avoid. Most allergens, including dust mites, are actually in dust. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that are found in mattresses, bedding, carpeting and even upholstered furniture. They can live on dead skin cells and other common items that are found around the house.

    How to Avoid and Prevent Allergens:

    Pollens - Shower before bedtime to wash off pollen and other allergens on your skin and in your hair. Try to avoid going outside, especially when it's dry and windy. Keep your windows and doors closed and always use an air conditioner at home and in your car.

    Mold - You can cut back the amount of mold in your home by getting rid of houseplants and by regularly cleaning shower curtains, bathroom windows, damp walls and indoor trash cans. Use a mixture of bleach and water to kill any mold. Turn on your fans to help increase air circulation and to help prevent any mold. Do not put carpet in bathrooms or any rooms that are damp and always use paint that's mold resistant instead of wallpaper. Lowering the humidity in your home to 50% or less can also help reduce mold. Home air quality can be helped by using a dehumidifier, keeping the temperature set around 70 degrees and cleaning or replacing air filters inside your house.

    Pet Dander - If your allergies are really bad, you might want to give away your pets or at least keep them outside. Dog or cat dander usually collects in dust within the house and can take over four weeks to completely go away.

    Fortunately, there are several ways to help reduce the amount of pet dander inside your home. Allergen-resistant bedding, air filters and well-groomed pets can drastically reduce pet dander inside your house.

    Dust and Dust Mites - In order to get rid of dust mites, you should remove any drapes, feather pillows, upholstered furniture or non-washable comforters, as they can be excellent places for dust mites to live. Always replace your carpets with linoleum or wood flooring. Floors should be mopped regularly with a damp mop and always wipe any smooth surfaces with a damp cloth. Always vacuum plush furniture and curtains, as well as the floors. Wash all bedding in hot water (hotter than 135簞F) every single week and do not use mattress pads. Make sure you cover your mattress and pillows with allergy-proof plastic covers and try to keep the humidity low in your house.

    Monday, May 27, 2013

    The Insider's Guide To Antihistamine Clarinex

    Clarinex is a medication which can be taken year-round by those who suffer from allergies. It is also effective at treating those who suffer from hives or rashes. The active ingredient in this medication is desloratadine, which is an antihistamine. This blocks the immune system's production of the natural chemical histamine, which is produced when the body becomes sensitive to something.

    Clarinex is effective at treating allergy symptoms produced from contact to both indoor allergens and outdoor ones. Anything from dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores, to pollen, grass or weeds can cause allergies.

    Clarinex is widely used and popular because of its non-drowsy characteristic. Many antihistamines tell users to avoid machinery or driving while taking it, but Clarinex does not. This drug was also the first to boast that grapefruit juice did not affect its absorption.

    It is also safe for most people who suffer form asthma to use this medication, although it is recommended that one contacts their doctor before mixing medications of any kind. Reported side effects include dry mouth, fatigue and a sore throat.

    This medication comes in many forms which are taken according to age group, severity of symptoms, and other factors. The regular Clarinex tablets relieve symptoms for up to 24 hours and are safe for ages 12 and up. Clarinex 24-hour combines the power of antihistamine and decongestant for people with seasonal rhinitis and congestion. Children as young as 6 months of age can receive relief from indoor allergies, while children 2 and over can experience relief from outdoor ones, with the bubblegum flavored Clarinex syrup.

    The syrup formula can also reduce the appearance of hives in children. Because many people are unable to easily take pills or tablets, Clarinex has provided a solution. For those who need another method, Clarinex Redi-tabs melt easily in the mouth. These also provide 24-hour relief and come in a fruit flavor.

    The makers of Clarinex, Shering-Plough, claim that taking this medication in the morning will relieve symptoms all the way into the next morning when one awakes. This is a benefit, since many 24-hour solutions seem to wear off while one is sleeping.
    Clarinex-D is a stronger formula which does require a prescription.

    This also claims to have 24-hour relief all the way through to the next day. This member of the Clarinex family is for moderate to severe allergy sufferers.

    Mushrooms That Can Invade the Sinus Passages

    Lots of people love mushrooms, especially sauteed with a nice steak. But did you know that there are certain kinds of mushrooms that can infect the sinus passages?

    The mushrooms we're talking about here aren't the kind used for food, but they belong to the species known as fungi, including certain types of molds. Fungi are organisms that resemble plants, but unlike genuine plants can't produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Usually these types of fungi live in our warm, moist nasal passages without causing any problems. However, when a body's resistance is low, these fungi can become harmful.

    Fungi usually feed on dead organic matter, which is why food mushrooms are found living at the roots of trees and in the carpet of leaves composting on a forest floor. Fungi like dark, warm, wet places, just like the insides of our noses. Sometimes fungi can feed on other living organizations, such as the mucus membranes inside nasal and sinus passages. When that happens, these membranes become inflamed and can become infected.

    Molds are a kind of microscopic fungi related to mushrooms. To reproduce themselves, they release spores that can sail through the air like pollen. Fungi of this type can be found throughout the year in many regions. They're affected by the weather - when's warm and rainy, or even warm and humid, you can expect an increase in the growth of molds. That's one of the reasons why it can be essential to control the humidity in a home, to reduce the likelihood of mold growing in the walls, especially on building materials that contain a lot of cellulose (once again, that's a wood-derived product of the kind that outdoor fungi are so fond of eating).

    Common types of mold found indoors include Aspergillus and its subspecies (A. Flavus, A. Versicolor); Cladosporium; Penicillium; Alternaria and the toxic "Black Mold, " Stachybotrys atra (S. Atra). Any of these indoor molds can be the microscopic mushrooms that infect sinuses. Sometimes they produce effects that are quite toxic to the human body. The best way to avoid such an infection is by working to prevent their growth in the home, and through good health habits, especially frequent hand washing and other forms of hygiene.

    If you do become infected, see your doctor immediately. And if you suspect fungi may have invaded your home, contact a building specialist to conduct tests. It's better to be safe than suffer with a fungal infection.

    Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and does not seek to diagnose, advice or treat any health condition whatsoever. If you have or think you might have a health condition, contact your primary care physician for diagnosis, advice and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any product mentioned in this article.

    Consumer Reports Air Purifiers - Which is the Best Air Purifier For Allergy Sufferers?

    The consumer report air purifier deals with the different types of air filter, there classification, and there application. If you suffer from allergies or asthma then you need to buy the air purifier that is right for you.

    There are several type of air purifier and just as many brands out there, what I want to do is to talk briefly about the different methods employed by the air purifiers to remove pollutants and there effectiveness. Some air purifier uses a combination or techniques to clean the indoor air.

    The four main types of applications that air purifiers use are:

    1. HEPA air purifier or filtration system
    2. Electronic ionizers
    3. UV purifiers
    4. Ozone generators

    HEPA Air Filters
    The first of the lot is Hepa filtration system or High Efficiency Particle Air or High Efficiency Particle Arresting. These purifiers use pleated filters and a fan of some sort to pull the air through the filter and then beck into the air. This method of purifying the air is by far the best and most effective. The hepa purifiers are able to remove particles as small as 0.3 microns. So even some viruses and bacteria, mold and minute dust particles will be removed. Because they use fans to pull of push air through the hepa filters, these type of air cleaners can be a bit noisy, but the air will be much cleaner.

    Electronic Ionizers
    This process of removing particles from the air uses an electronic process that reverse the electric charge of particles in the air. The charged particles in the air are then collected on metal like plates in the device. The problem with this type of pollutant removal system is that most of the dust and the contaminants will be deposited on your furniture and your clothes and floor and drapes and your dog. So you will have to vacuum and dust and clean which means that the pollutants will be air borne again.

    UV Purifiers
    These purifiers work by using UV to destroy microbes such as some mold spores, viruses and bacteria, and some dust mites. It is a proven fact that these contaminants can be killed if they are subjected to enough UV for a good length of time, however, most of the UV air cleaners on the market fail to expose these pollutants to the UV long enough to kill them, rendering them ineffective unless they also have a filter.

    Ozone Generators
    I hope no one is using these anymore but just in case they are still out there, you should get rid of them. These do absolutely nothing to remove pollutants from the air and they produce a lot of Ozone that is can be dangerous for your health. A large amount of ozone can neutralize some bad odors like smoke but that all they will do. They are also banned in California.

    Any air purifier you plan to get should have hepa filtration. This is the most reliable and effective way to get rid of air pollutants and contaminants in your home.

    Air Pollution And Skin Allergies

    A recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology discovered a link between itchy skin, irritated eyes, and headaches with certain types of pollution.

    French researchers studied the air's nitrogen dioxide, small particulate matter and ozone levels in urban areas surrounding Bordeaux. Bordeaux is an area in France where pollution levels are usually slightly higher than the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The research team collected medical case reports from SOS Medicins, a public health-care network that makes emergency house calls. They concentrated on the number of visits that are related to complaints of respiratory problems including tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, or cough, as well as conjunctivitis, skin rash, headaches and asthenia, a conditioned characterized by general feelings of weakness that are usually the result of allergies.

    The researchers noted a 1.5 percent and 2.6 percent increase in the number of visits for upper and lower respiratory diseases respectively, a few days after particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide levels rose.

    But what is most telling is the increase in doctor visits for other disease. On days when particulate matter was highest, visits for skin rash or conjunctivitis increased by 3.2 percent, while headaches and asthenia rose 3.5 percent.

    When ozone levels rose, visits for skin rash or conjunctivitis increased by 3 percent, and 1.7 percent for headaches and asthenia.

    Increased levels of nitrogen oxide caused a 2.8 percent increase in visits for headaches and weakness.

    We know that air pollution affects the heart and lungs. But, these slight effects of air pollution on human health will likely affect more of us as it worsens.

    "Once you start looking at the entire body, we start to realize this is not as benign as we think," says Neil Kao, MD, an allergist at the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville, SC, and a fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. "It's not just bad for your heart-it's bad for everything."

    Whereas allergy to pollen can trigger obvious reactions like sneezing, the subtle impact of pollution may not be evident immediately. Kao recommends staying indoors during sunny-but-polluted days. "As much as I promote a healthy, happy lifestyle with lots of exercise," he says, "there are certain days just can't reset your immune system."

    If polluted air is affecting your health, here are some things you can do to avoid it:

    Check the air forecast -stay on top of high-hazard air pollution days.

    Stay indoors - staying inside your home helps, but only if the air inside is less polluted than the air outside. Air washers, filters and the like, can help rid the air of particulate matters. However, they are useless against nitrogen oxide, ozone and other harmful gasses. So on days when pollution levels are particularly high, keep you windows shut; and on days when the air is clearer, let your home air out to decrease indoor toxins.

    Wear a mask - breathing through masks with an N-95 rating can help cut help lower pollution-related headaches. Wearing protective clothing like long-sleeved shirts and sunglasses when outdoors will keep particulate matter off our skin and out of your eyes.