Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sinus Infection - Causes of Sinus Infection

The sinuses (say: sy-nus-is) are air-filled spaces found in the bones of the head and face. Sinuses start developing before you are born and some of them keep growing until you're about 20. There are four pairs of sinuses, or eight in all. They are located on either side of the nose in your cheeks, behind and between the eyes, in the forehead, and at the back of the nasal cavity.

Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. A sinus infection can cause a headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area, or on one side of the head. A person with a sinus infection may also have a cough, a fever, bad breath, and nasal congestion with thick nasal secretions. Sinusitis is categorized as acute (sudden onset) or chronic (long term, the most common type).

Acute sinusitis usually follows a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract, but
allergens (allergy-causing substances), or pollutants may also trigger acute sinusitis. A viral infection causes damage to the cells of the sinus lining, which leads to inflammation. The lining thickens with fluid that obstructs the nasal passage. This passage connects to the sinuses.

Most cases of acute sinusitis start with a common cold, which is caused by a virus. Colds can inflame your sinuses and cause symptoms of sinusitis. Both the cold and the sinus inflammation usually go away without treatment within 2 weeks. If the inflammation produced by the cold leads to a bacterial infection, however, then this infection is what health experts call acute sinusitis.

Causes of Sinus Infection

Fungus infection is known to cause sinus infection. Fungi are found profusely in our environment but it is harmless to humans as we have a natural resistance to fungi. But you must beware of the common black mold which we may find in our homes. Black mold can only proliferate in moist and damp areas. These are the areas where natural sunlight cannot reach. If nothing is done and you breathe in these mold spores regularly, your body's natural immune system could fall drastically.

The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull (behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes) that are lined with mucus membranes. Healthy sinuses contain no bacteria or other organisms (they are sterile) and are open, allowing mucus to drain and air to circulate.

There are also various kinds of bacteria that can also cause sinus infections. In addition the cilia, which are small hairs in the nasal passages and sinus cavities that help to move mucous out of the nasal area, can get damaged by smoke, lack of humidity or other causes. When this happens the mucous stagnates and becomes a perfect area for bacteria to grow and start an infection. Allergies to food and other substances can also be a cause of food allergies.

Treatment of Sinus Infection

Silver Sinus was developed specifically to address these findings. When you go to a doctor looking for a sinus infection cure, the normal course of action is to prescribe antibiotics.

Sinus surgery may have to be done to clean out the accumulated mucus and infection and to enlarge the drain hole to allow better mucus drainage.

As the sinus infection clears up, the sinus headaches should disappear. In the meantime, over-the-counter pain relievers, decongestants and saline nasal spray might help you feel better. Use these products only as directed. It may help to drink plenty of fluids as well.

What Health Problems Are Caused By Mold In Your House?

Did you know that your health problem may be caused by mold? Mold is commonly found in homes and can cause a number of health problems that you may not be aware of. How can you tell if mold is the cause?

Have you ever noticed that your nose suddenly gets congested when you walk into certain rooms in the house? This is a sign that you might have mold lurking somewhere and it's getting into your respiratory system.

Mold grows where it is wet, and it produces spores that can get into the air. Most health problems caused by mold involve these spores getting into your lungs.

Stuffiness or a runny nose may be the sign of mold allergy. Another health problem caused by mold is shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing. You may experience asthma-like symptoms even though you do not suffer from asthma.

In some cases, exposure to mold gives people headaches, fevers or skin rash.

Mold also grows on rotten food. You may see mold growing on vegetables that have been around for a while. Cheese may also have mold growing on it. And, we've all seen moldy bread before.

If you have moldy food, you should throw it out, of course. If you accidentally eat mold, you are likely to experience a headache or nausea.

For the most part, mold is non-toxic. There are no major long-term health problems caused by mold. However, if you suffer from asthma or chronic sinus problems, mold will be a particular problem for you.

If you have asthma, you will want to avoid mold as much as possible. Mold will aggravate your asthma and bring on attacks. The constant exposure of children with asthma to mold has been shown to have long-term consequences, leading to trouble breathing when they are adults.

If you suffer from sinus trouble, mold will aggravate your sinuses. The symptoms of mold allergy are similar to sinus infections, so it is difficult to determine the exact cause of your symptoms.

Even though mold is not terribly dangerous, health problems caused by mold can be inconvenient and painful. It is recommended that you try to keep you home as mold-free as possible.

Every house has mold. If you have mold allergy symptoms, it may be a sign that there is mold hidden somewhere in your house.

The most common household mold is black and grows around your shower or in your kitchen. When you see this kind of mold, you should clean it immediately. Simple soap and water will usually do the trick, but detergent helps as well.

If you suffer from health problems caused by mold, but don't see the mold, it may be a good idea to get professional help. There may be a build-up of mold under carpets, inside walls, in crawlspaces, and other hard-to-reach places that might be better handled by an expert.

Health problems caused by mold are common, but reducing the amount of mold in your home can help alleviate the symptoms.

Toxic Black Mold - Why Are They Toxic?

Everybody has a first time experience with molds and mildews. If you haven't met them yet, you are lucky. Unfortunately, they are spreading at such an alarming rate that it is really difficult to avoid exposure to molds.

Outdoor, you can still avoid exposure by simply leaving the place where you sense the presence of molds and mildews. When they grow inside your home, you have simply no option but to live with these harmful creatures under the same roof!

This is not at all desired. The mold species Stachybotrys chartarum is extremely dangerous for human health. You may wonder what kind of mold is this! Haven't you heard of black mold? Stachybotrys chartarum is the scientific name of black mold. It is a greenish black fungal growth generally found outdoors. In can also grow on damp and water damaged walls, floors, furniture and organic products.

They obtain nutrition from dead organic materials by decomposing them into simpler substances. They reproduce through spore formation. Black mold spores are released in air and taken by air current mainly.

Mold spores are everywhere. Airborne mold spores come in with air mainly. They often get stuck on human body, clothes and even on pets in outdoor. And easily find their way into your basement, kitchen, bathroom, garden or crawl places. These mold spores float in the air and enter into your body when you breathe in.

But that happens to all mold species, how black mold is different and why are they called toxic?

Why black molds are toxic?

Toxic black molds, Stachybotrys or black mold, whatever you call them, produce mycotoxins during metabolism. Mycotoxins are found on the substance they grow on, in airborne hyphal parts and in mold spores. Mycotoxins make black molds more dangerous for human beings. When they grow inside homes or business premises, the risk of exposure to black molds increase many times. One needs to use black mold cleaner to kill toxic molds.

Different species of molds produce mycotoxins of varied severity. The amount produced and the level of toxicity also may depend on the present conditions of life. When all the conditions - moisture, food source, air and temperature, are right, higher amount of mycotoxins are produced which make the situation worse.

Different species of fungus produce different types of toxins; needless to mention that not all the toxins affect human system in the same way. Mold sampling is often done to find out the type of mold contamination. Once you know the species of molds, you can figure out what type of health concerns does it associate with.

Mycotoxins - black mold health effects:

  • Weaker immune system

  • Allergy, irritation of eyes, throat and skin

  • Sickness, diarrhea and even death

Some forms of mycotoxins have higher impact on pets than on humans. Indoor toxic black mold growth can be lethal. Black molds should always be removed with black mold killer.

What kills mold?

Though people have been using bleaches to kill mold, bleach has certain limitations. It cannot reach to the toughest corner of your room or some narrow cracks on the wall where molds have started nesting.

Bleach may clean the place temporarily but it fails to prevent future contamination. Moreover, bleach is not good for human health, hence it can add to the problems.

Natural black mold killer are good from all perspectives. Being natural they are free from side effects; hence no health threats are associated with them. Top of all, they prevent future mold growth efficiently.

Outsmarting Pet Allergies

Many of my patients are pet lovers. In fact, the pet population in the United States is over 100 million! And not only is it fun to have a pet, medical studies show that people who have pets have lower blood pressure, less depression, and actually live longer than those who don't. But sometimes having a pet can mean putting up with their dander, those flaky dots of skin that are shed everywhere. If you're one of the millions of people with pet allergies, your pet's dander can start you sneezing with watery eyes and a stuffy nose, or worse.

According to the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation, from 15 to 30% of people with pet allergies are allergic to cats, dogs, and birds, with cat allergies being twice as common as dog or bird allergies. If you find you have an allergy to your cat, dog, or bird, take heart. You likely don't need to get rid of your pet; you just need to know how to manage your physical reactions to them.

A small amount of people have severe allergies to certain pets and for these people it would be prudent not to be around these types of animals. However, like most of my patients, the majority of people have mild to moderate pet allergies that can be easily managed by some simple housekeeping, pet grooming, and personal health measures that can keep your pet a close companion.

What Are You Reacting To?

I'd like to explain to you a little about your reaction to certain pets. Cats and dogs are the most likely pet for you to be allergic to, with cats topping the list. Bird allergies are not as common in humans, but those that have them may also be allergic to eggs. So, I'll focus here on cats and dogs and the particular allergens they carry.

Cats and dogs shed dander, or dead skin, similar to how humans shed dandruff. This dander contains harmless proteins which are the allergens that sensitive people react to. This dander gets sticky from fluids your pet secretes and hangs onto their fur. When your pet sheds, this sticky dander collects throughout your home on everything including you. These proteins are also in your pet's saliva and urine. So when your dog says hello with one of his face licking kisses, or you clean out your cat's litter box, you're exposed to these proteins.

Your reactions to pet dander can range from mild to severe depending on how sensitive you are. Mild or minor reactions may be slow to show up and might include sneezing or a light rash.

Moderate reactions are more likely to appear more quickly, and can include:

oSwelling, itching, redness, of the moist membranes of the eyes and nose
oInflammation, or redness, burning/tearing of the eyes
oNasal stuffiness, post nasal drip

A severe reaction to pet dander might include the following:

oIntense rash on the face, neck and chest
oCoughing, and/or closing throat sensation
oAsthma attack - characterized by wheezing, difficulty breathing, especially with cat sensitivity.

Diagnosing a Pet Allergy

If you find yourself reacting to your pet with any of the above symptoms, especially the severe ones, it would be a good idea to see a doctor in the specialty of Allergy and Immunology. These doctors specialize in the treatment of allergies. Diagnosis of a pet allergy is determined by:

oMedical history - asks about yourself, your pet, your reaction.
oA blood test panel where a RAST (radioallergosorbent test) is used to evaluate the degree of allergens in your blood.

Keep in mind that it may be necessary to remove your pet from your home for a while and then reintroduce it. You need to be sure that your symptoms are coming from your pet and not some other trigger like dust or mold in your home, or outdoor pollens.

What Can You Do?

If you are severely allergic to pet dander so that contact causes you to have an asthma attack, you will need to stay away from pets with fur or feathers. Pets like a snake, fish, or turtle would be a better choice for you.

If you are only mildly to moderately sensitive to pet dander, here are some things you can do to help you live more comfortably with your pet:

oKeep a clean pet. Brush/comb them every day to minimize shedding. Wipe them down every week with a special solution soaked "pet wipe" towel found in pet stores that removes about 90% of their dander. Give your dog or cat a regular bath at least once a month, maybe twice a month, depending on your level of sensitivity. Dogs usually like tub baths and some even like to come in the shower along with you. Cat baths may take a few times before they really get used to it. A kitchen sink with a hose sprayer attachment makes it easier for you to handle them. Letting them rest their front paws up on the counter with their back legs in the sink gives them a sense of security. Use specially formulated shampoo for cat or dog. Or, take them to a groomer.

oKeep a clean home. You will need to spend a little more time cleaning your house. Invest in pet hair removal brushes to keep fur from accumulating on furniture. Clean litter boxes of waste every day. Use a clumping litter that is 98% dust free. Once a month empty it completely and wash it down with hot water and bleach. Keep the floor around the litter box free of litter and wash floor around it frequently with a bleach solution. Keep your pets in their own beds to minimize your reactions to them. A machine washable cover on their beds helps cut down dander spread. If your cat or dog gets up on your bed, launder your blankets frequently. Install a HEPA filter air cleaner on your furnace and air conditioner and run for several hours a day. Its better to not have carpet with pets and/or allergies, but if you must, clean them regularly with steam. Launder throw rugs frequently.

oFortify Yourself. Some people may need prescription anti-allergy medicine or shots to help tame their symptoms. Taking adequate levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 can help minimize allergic reactions by boosting your immune system. Antioxidants like Vitamin E and A have been helpful in reducing allergic reactions. Proteolytic enzymes, like bromelain, are supplements that break down proteins in food and can help to further breakdown the proteins in pet dander allergens. Agents like quercetin, a bioflavonoid, blocks histamine response (but should not be taken by pregnant women). NAET (Nambutripad's allergy elimination technique), is a fairly new alternative approach to eliminating allergies developed by an acupuncturist, Dr. Devi Nambutripad, and involves either acupuncture or acupressure.

Having a pet allergy may cause you to rethink your relationship with certain pets and whether you can, or want to, share your life and living space with them. However, if you do decide you can have a pet in your life, you will need to put a little extra time into the care and keeping of your pet and yourself. But, that extra effort will pay off with health benefits of one of the most enjoyable, mutually beneficial, relationships you can engage in between you and your loving pet.

Fight Allergies With Vitamins And Over The Counter Products

Allergies are abnormal reactions to normally harmless substances. The allergens can be inhaled, swallowed or come into contact with the skin.

Allergens that most frequently cause problems are: pollen, mold, dust, foods, animal dander, insect bites, insect spores, viruses and bacteria.

Normally the human body learns to defend itself though experience. That is by attacking a foreign substance that has invaded and harming the body by producing antibodies. The best know of these antibodies are called histamines. Some times the immune system mistakenly recognizes a foreign to be harmful when it is not. This can lead to the overproduction of histamines specially designed to destroy the specific foreign substance.

If the overproduction of the histamines is large enough the surrounding tissue is also damaged resulting in sneezing, a stuffy head, sniffing, stuffed-up head, read and watery eyes or a skin rash.

A person with Allergies is burdened with an overprotective immune system and is forever on guard against everyday things that don't bother the rest of us. It might be a cute affectionate kitten, a patch of green grass, to a slice of fresh garden tomato.

Some of us can roll in poison ivy and come out without any problems, while others can merely brush up against a few leaves of the stuff and there are scratching for weeks. In most cases, allergies are more annoying that debilitating but to the extreme allergy suffers life can be pure misery or even death.

There are four main types of Allergic Reactions:

Type 1.

Foods, mold, animal dander, pollen, or dust can cause an immediate allergy attack. Whey your body responds to the invasion, your body releases histamine from the irritated area such as the skin, nasal and bronchial areas.

Type 2.

Allergens combine with healthy cells in the your body and attack the health cells. This is common in upper gastro intestinal tack.

Type 3.

Allergens invade the immune system and can cause injury to cells throughout the body.

Type 4.

T-cells become activated and results in an inflammation of the effected area. An example of this is a rash caused by poison ivy.

We all carry a heavy load of various stress factors that slowly wear out our immune systems, over the years, making us more susceptible to allergy attacks. We are exposed to many more environmental pollutants and industrial toxins that ever before in history.

No mater what type of allergy you are suffering from their is a good chance that you can find relief from it.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating Allergies such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Antioxidants, Allergy Aid, and Quercitin.

Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.

Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.

The Benefits of Steam Cleaning Your Carpet

There are many advantages to steaming your carpet. Some are fairly evident including the removal of dirt and unsightly stains. Even so, there are additional positive aspects than just those on the "surface".

I am an allergy sufferer. I happen to be taking allergy shots on and off over the past Thirty years. Together with the assistance of my allergy physician, I'm able to maintain my domestic pets. I just need to make sure that the dust mites are out of the carpet by merely steam cleaning my carpet normally.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, "Carpet is an ideal home for allergy triggers including dust mites, mold and pet dander." While they will encourage swapping the flooring surface to something besides carpet, such as wood, vinyl fabric or linoleum tile, sometimes we simply cannot make it happen. Not only will it cost a tremendous amount to get rid of the carpet and change it out with a totally different surface, I reside in a condo, and removing the carpet just isn't an alternative. I needed an effective way to make perfectly sure that some of those triggers are contained, granted my own predicament. A means to confirm that these triggers are out of the house is to steam clean your carpet.

Think about it; somebody in your house enters in out of the weather, it is a dewy morning or they walk through the sprinklers on their way inside. They track that water on to your carpet. Typically, it's the padding underneath the carpet or down deep in the nap within the carpet. In a write-up labeled Carpet Asthma and Allergies- Myth or Reality "According to Michael A. Berry, Ph.D., persistent and excessive amounts of moisture which contribute to mold and bacterial growth are almost always major contributors to indoor bio-pollutant contamination." Bio-pollutants are something that can manifest outdoor or indoor which might trigger allergies which "include pollen, animals, dander, house dust mites, mold, and cockroaches." This info is located in a fascinating study in which it analyzes the affect of carpets on allergies. Dr. Berry took samples of carpets and hardwood and exposed these to moist areas to monitor the rate of mold growth on these surfaces. "After 8 weeks of exposure, there seemed to be no induction of mold progression on any one of the cleansed (old or new) carpet samples." "Dr. Berry states that "the main conclusion of his research is that clean carpet does not support mold growth even at prolonged and elevated temperature and humidity levels. It is a conclusion for this project that for any material Dirt + Water (High Humidity) = Mold Growth. The obvious management solution for mold indoors is to keep all carpet materials dry or at least clean."

Investigation sustains we continue to keep our carpets nice and clean, but which strategy do we make use of? Steam cleaning your carpet is generally the best practice to ensure you get your carpet clean. Having said that, a "normal" non commercial carpet cleaner doesn't utilize vapor. It utilizes hot water and recommended formula (cleaning agent) to kill the pet dander, mildew and dust mites. At this time there are several different types of residential carpet cleaners but more importantly, you'll find types of solutions based on your circumstances. For example, there's higher traffic solution, pet aroma and dander solution and allergy solution. It is vital to purchase the one that you think that will likely be most beneficial with regards to your given circumstance.

It is also very important that you dry the area completely to prevent mold growth after you clean. If you are moving furniture to clean the carpet underneath, be sure that you dry the area completely before moving your furniture back. You can use the carpet cleaner to suck up any additional water, and then place a small fan in the area. This will help ensure that your floor dries completely.

Floors and Spores: Pick the Right Allergy-Free Flooring

Choosing the right carpet and vinyl for the living spaces of your home should be a no-brainer, right? Cozy carpet in the living room, family room, durable vinyl linoleum in the kitchen, laundry and bathrooms...

But don't let allergens cloud your brain! Traditional carpet and vinyl have been standard installations for decades, but both products are far from being the only choices on the market, and could be health concerns for people with severe allergies. There are a growing number of excellent flooring options out there, including tile, stone, even bamboo and cork. They are all worth considering.

Carpets and rugs, whether wall-to-wall, or an area cover, can create quite a cozy environment. Carpeting is always associated with warmth and comfort. But unfortunately, with all of that fiber and surface area, carpet is also the champion when it comes to harboring dust and dust mites. And carpet that gets wet can quickly develop fungus and mildew. Both of these are of great concern to allergy sufferers.

Carpet and vinyl flooring materials can also be the source of noxious chemical fumes and emissions, which can be potentially dangerous to people with chemical sensitivities. In addition to the adhesives used to secure it to the substrate below, vinyl can include some additives that are emitted when cleaned, or even just over time. Phthalates and other chemicals in vinyl floors create the potential for respiratory issues. Carpeting can also come laced with a variety of chemicals added to resist stains, mold, and pests. These could exacerbate allergies, asthma, and other breathing problems.

Stone and ceramic tile are two popular flooring options that greatly reduce dust accumulation due to their smooth, non-porous surfaces, emit no toxic chemicals, and are highly resistant to biological growth traits that allergy sufferers could learn to love. Though neither is forgiving when you drop a glass or plate, stone and tile are easy to clean and very durable. In hot weather, both products stay cool, though in the cold months, slippers might be in order.

Wood represents another popular flooring option. Hardwood flooring provides a beautiful look and offers the allergy sufferer many of the advantages over carpet and vinyl that stone and ceramics do, but there is always the concern about preserving forest resources around the world. So if you take the hardwood route, make sure to use FSC- or SFI-certified wood.

Bamboo and cork, however, are excellent alternatives. Bamboo grows quickly and is a self-replacing resource; it doesn't need to be replanted by people. As a hardwood flooring option, it produces an attractive and durable surface. Cork oaks re-grow their outer bark that is used for making things like floors, so cork floors are an environmentally friendly option, as well. Cork wood has the added advantage of an internal resin that resists insects and other biological growth, so it is a natural choice for health and allergy concerns.

Carpet and vinyl aren't the only options for you homes floors anymore. Stone, ceramic tile, and eco-conscious woods like cork and bamboo might be just what you were looking for. But they also might just prove to be better for your family's health.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mold Allergies

A mold spore or cell is a microscopic speck that usually thrives in damp place. Yet for it's stature in size, mold spores can be a deadly pathogen to people who have an allergic reaction to them.

Most mold allergies commence with airborne allergens and whilst most spores do stick to walls they can easily become airborne when disturbed. Due to their microscopic size they can easily be inhaled through the nasal cavity and into the lungs, triggering and allergic reaction.

Generally, mold allergies are more prevalent than the standard pollen allergy. This is due to the fact that pollen allergies are often seasonal, like ragweed and grass pollen during spring. Whereas, mold, can affect you on a 24hr basis, regardless of the season.

Most pollen allergens are released during the day, as the sun rises and warms up the atmosphere; plants release their pollen to the air. Mold spores differ in the respect that they are generally released at night, due to the mold spores inability to survive in hot conditions.

Mold counts appear to be the highest in our homes at 2.00am. This is because that's generally the time that the allergenic spores blow out of the air-conditioning ducts in our homes. The first symptomatic response to this mold exposure is the swelling of the mucus membrane. The respondents system will then start to release the drug adrenaline, which is a special allergy hormone. This release of adrenaline is generally what causes you to wake up with blocked nostrils and difficulty breathing.

To control your body's response to mold, you must first explore and discover your triggers. Once you have worked out what causes an attack then, hopefully, you will be able to avoid them. You may also be able to seek an allergist test which will determine your sensitivity to mold allergens.

The difficulty with the allergist test is that it only returns a positive for one specific genus of mold spores. Unfortunately, there are literally thousands of mold strains and each one possesses a slightly different reaction when exposure occurs.

Obviously, the easiest way to prevent exposure is to limit the areas with which the mold can survive. Generally, you will find mold in damp and dark environs but dust and bacteria in air conditioning ducts may also provide nutrients for their growth.

Some common places where mold may exist are:

Poorly fitted or dirty filters.

Frost free refrigerator pans.

Air Conditioner insulation, coils and drain pans.

Damp wood. For instance, house frames during construction.

Damp areas, leaks - in particular the bathroom.

Another place that you need to investigate for mold is your automobile. Research has indicated that many allergy sufferers have had attacks whilst driving. The cause of mold spores in your car can generally be attributed to poor or leaky window seals. This is often the result of ageing of the door seals and causes the water to leak onto upholstery providing the perfect place for mold growth.

Sinus Drainage

Sinus drainage is basically the over production of mucus and blockage of the sinuses that is caused by irritation of the nasal lining. What happens during this process is that as an irritant like dust or pet dander enters the nose defences try to get rid of the irritant by releasing histamines, which end up worsening the condition rather than solving it. Irritants or allergens are not only natural; these can also be from man-made things like cigarettes, pollution and so on.

The inflammation in the sinuses does not only cause blockage but it can also leave individuals with headaches, body aches and post nasal drip from the inability to drain.

Causes of sinus drainage

There are with no doubt ample reasons how sinus drainage is caused but the one reason is that the body produces a large amount of mucus every single day and this mucus has to exit the body at some point. Now if the nose is blocked there's no other way for the mucus to exit rather than down the throat. Here a few common reasons for the cause of sinus drainage:

  • Having an allergy to common allergens like pollen, mold, dust

  • Being excessively exposed to bacteria or viruses when you have a weaker immune system

  • Accidentally hurting the nose structure and passages

  • Having nasal growths like nasal polyps or tumours

How to avoid getting sinus drainage

Below are precautions that can be taken in the avoidance of sinus drainage.

  • Limit your chances of getting the common cold by keeping a healthy immune system

  • It is difficult to just quit smoking but you have to try your best especially if your health is in questioning

  • Treat all kinds of respiratory infections properly by visiting a doctor about effective treatment

  • If you suspect that allergies are the problem, get yourself to an allergy specialist.

  • Live a healthy life, be aware of the environment you are in and drink lots of water!

Treating Sinus Drainage

There are many ways of treating this kind of sinus problem. One could choose to go all natural or medicated, at the end of the day it is merely about what the patient is best suitable with and how serious their sinus problem is.

Generally, sinus drainage medication involves the following:

Nasal sprays or nasal decongestants: These are a great way to get rid of a blocked sinus fast but they should not be used constantly and for too long otherwise they cause an aggravation in initial symptoms.

Sinus medication: As mentioned before there are different kinds of this medication, and it reduces inflammation and helps with the draining of mucus. These may take up to three days to completely relieve symptoms.

Hydration: One cannot emphasis enough on how important it is to stay completely hydrated while you have a nasal blockage. Hydration can achieved through drinking herbal teas, chicken soup and so on.

You can get to a point whereby your sinus blockage is so bad that only surgery can help you. This is usually at the stage of chronic sinusitis.

Floor Coverings for Allergy Sufferers

Allergy sufferers need a clean living environment. Tiny particles of dust or invisible mites can cause allergic reactions that range from mildly inconvenient to life threatening. Allergies are a serious issue, and your home's carpeting might contain the worst allergen offenders.

Dust mites, mold spores and pet dander land on the floor and nestle into the fibers. Other allergens like cigarette smoke, household cleaning product residue and insecticides also accumulate in the carpets. While you may enjoy the plush feeling of carpet and use if to muffle household noises, carpet is dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Before you rip up and replace the carpeting, consider your options. With a smooth surface and easy clean up, linoleum and tile appear to be safe for allergy sufferers. The backing, however, contains harmful chemicals that lower the indoor air quality of your home. Mold also develops easily under loose flooring that gets wet. For maximum safety, install timber floorboards.

Timber Floorboards
Timber provides a clean and long-lasting floor for any home. If you worry about the chemicals in the protective finish, ask your contractor to apply varnish or wax with low volatile organic compound. While the contractor refinishes the floor, spend a few days at a friend or relative's house, and open the windows to ventilate the home. After the project is finished, hire a professional cleaner to remove any residue from the floor installation. Your new timber floor now offers beautiful safety.

It cannot keep itself clean, though. At least twice a week, vacuum the floor with a filtered machine that captures and traps particles. Follow the timber manufacturer's instructions for mopping the floor regularly. At least twice a week, vacuum the floor with a filtered machine that captures and traps particles. Follow the timber manufacturer's instructions for mopping the floor in order to remove built-up residue the vacuum leaves behind and protect the floor's finish.

For comfort and warmth on your timber floor, lay area rugs made from washable fabric. Regularly wash the rugs in hot water in order to remove any mites, dust or pet dander. You will also want to implement a no-shoes policy. Shoes carry dirt, pollen and insecticide from outdoor sources into your home. Offer slippers or socks to visitors and guests. Do not be embarrassed about asking people to keep your home allergen free. This policy keeps you safe.

Timber flooring prevents allergens from accumulating and making you sick. It also makes life easier if you have children or pets. Cleaning up pet accidents or spilled milk requires a simple swipe with a damp cloth rather than a bulky carpet cleaner. These factors make installing timber floorboards a safe and simple flooring solution for your home.

HEPA Vs. HEGA Filters - What's the Difference?

Many of us retreat to our homes for security and relaxation, only to find that our senses are constantly being attacked by a variety of asthma and allergy-related culprits.

The EPA has repeatedly warned the public of the dangers of poor indoor air quality, and unfortunately, even the most immaculate home can be teeming with pollutants. Virtually every home is affected by indoor particulates, and this is especially true if your home was built in the last 20 years or so, as energy-conservation efforts enacted in the 1970s required homes to be built especially air-tight. Common sources of indoor air pollutants can include dust, carpet, furnishings, household cleaning products, pets, and cigarette smoke. Unfortunately, exposure to these contaminants can result in a range of health problems such as asthma, allergies, respiratory disorders, and even cancer.

One way to combat these airborne irritants is to use a high-quality air purifier to clear the air. Air purifiers can also help remove vapors from carpets and textiles, cleaning products, and other pollution particulates that can jeopardize your health.

Studies have shown that clean air helps you sleep better and breathe easier, and looking for an air purifier may seem confusing at first. One of the most effective ways at controlling particulates is through the use of a high-efficient particulate filter, but finding the right kind of filter can even be difficult. Two popular types of air filters are HEPA and HEGA, and while these two terms may seem interchangeable, they are also quite different, as they are used to filter out different types of pollutants.

HEPA technology has been around since the 1930s and is essentially a type of filter media that allows air to pass through. This type of filter is highly efficient at particle abatement, and is 99.97% effective in capturing particles 0.3 microns or larger (including common pollutants such as dust, hair, dander, and pollen). HEPA technology was originally developed by the Atomic Energy Commission to create clean and safe environments for troops, researchers, and scientists.

Because of a HEPA filter's ability to remove particles from the air, it is the most common method of air purification. When purchasing an air purifier with HEPA filtration, look for True HEPA filters, as these must pass independent tests and perform at a certain standard to receive the distinction of a True HEPA filter. Also, when deciding on a HEPA air purifier, pay close attention to the filter's construction. Warm-rolled HEPA filters are best, as these are not prone to cracking, and air purifiers utilizing warm-rolled and pleated HEPA filters also increase filtration efficiency.

On the other hand, HEGA filters serve a different purpose. HEGA stands for High Efficiency Gas Absorption, and this type of filter was developed about a decade ago by the British Army as a defense against chemical warfare. HEGA filters are composed of a carbon cloth and are considered to be many times more efficient than granulated activated carbon at adsorption of gaseous pollutants, chemicals, and odors. Because of their efficiency, light weight, and easy workability, air purifiers with HEGA filters are now becoming more popular, especially in air purifiers geared towards allergy, chemical, gas, and odor control. In fact, some air purifiers even use HEGA filters in combination with HEPA filters to provide complete air purification.

Therefore, by choosing a HEPA or HEGA air purifier, you can rest assured that you will get the same purification technology used by the government and have complete and thorough filtration of particulates, gases, and VOCs.

Allergy Headaches - Are My Migraines Really Allergic Reactions?

Allergy headaches are a bit controversial in the field of medicine at the current time, but none the less many people continue to believe that food items causing migraines are the result of an allergic reaction.

First of all, a true allergic reaction involves the release of histamine and itching and swelling may result. Based on this the reaction to foods is not an allergy if the only result is a migraine.

But I Have A Stuffy Nose?
This is probably the most common comment I get from patients about their migraines. If you need to review migraine symptoms in order to figure out your symptoms, please do so. If you are having a stuffy nose in reaction to pollen, animal dander and other known allergens please see your doctor as becoming sensitized to these items could eventually result in a severe allergic reaction such as swollen lips and closing of the throat.

Having said that, some foods such as shellfish can cause severe allergic reactions, but usually no headache!

So What Causes My Migraine When I Eat These Foods?
When people have a reaction to food items that cause a migraine, usually something in the food is triggering the migraine headache symptoms. Tannins in red wine are famous, as is monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is a preservative and flavor enhancer found in many items.

So really what is happening here is a food intolerance. Many people notice that when their migraines come under control, they are able to tolerate small amounts of migraine food triggers that previously provoked a headache.

How to Avoid A Food Allergy Headache
One of the simplest ways to avoid migraine triggers is to keep a diary. I know, I have heard this before but sometimes if you haven't done this for awhile you might find something new! Once you figure out what foods are not good for you well then..the rest is obvious.

Something else to consider is the amount of packaged foods and chemicals in your diet. Many migraineurs are neurologically sensitive to medications and chemicals that can trigger a migraine. It would make sense then that perhaps the chemicals in packaged foods may also affect you. Perhaps trying organic foods in a diet may reduce the frequency of chemically induced migraine.

Air Duct Cleaning - 5 Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Air Ducts Clean

The many great benefits of keeping your home's air ducts clean can make regular air duct cleaning a most important task to include as a part of a proactive maintenance routine for your home.

Cleaning and servicing your heating and air conditioning system (HVAC) is essential to help keep them energy-efficient and operating in a cost-effective manner. Make sure that any HVAC cleaning includes cleaning of the cooling coils, the drain pans, fans and heat exchangers. Failure to keep these components clean can cause dust, mold and/or allergens to infiltrate your ducting, which will then be blown into your home as air pollution. It's also a well-known fact that this type of indoor pollution from dirty air can be a prime cause of allergies, asthma and a host of other medical problems.

It's a great idea to have your air ducts cleaned when you have your heating and cooling system cleaned and serviced. Remember, the health and safety of your family depends upon keeping your home clean and safe from indoor pollution.

Here are 5 important benefits of keeping your home's air ducting system clean with regular air duct cleaning.

1. Saving Money. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that by cleaning as little as four-tenths of one inch of accumulated dust (slightly under 翻 inch) from your heating/cooling system coils can decrease energy usage by as much as 21%. Imagine saving 21% of your next heating or cooling bill! Sound interesting?

2. Keeping Heating /Cooling Systems Reliable. It's estimated that 90% of heating and air conditioning systems breakdown or fail due to a lack of proper maintenance. Costs for repairing heating or cooling system is often quite expensive and total replacement of your HVAC systems can cost thousands of dollars.

3. Air Quality In Your Home. Air duct cleaning is crucial to healthy and clean indoor air. Allergens (pollen, pet dander, hair, etc.), dust and debris and toxins (mold, mildew, mouse droppings, etc.) are routinely found in home HVAC systems. If your air ducts are not cleaned on a regular basis, these pollutants can be blasted into your home via the heating and cooling systems. Remember, you don't have to have allergies or asthma as many of these pollutants have been shown to cause severe illnesses in some cases.

4. Allergies, Hay fever & Asthma. If anyone living in your home already suffers from allergies or asthma, air duct cleaning can help to provide a healthy environment for allergy and asthma sufferers. Regular cleaning has been proven to reduce the quantity of allergens and pollutants found in your home, ultimately reducing the chances for allergies and other serious illnesses.

5. Nasty Odors. A musty or "moist" odor in your home often means that mold and/or mildew is already lurking in your air ducts. Air fresheners, scented candles or incense will only mask dirty air for a short while. Professional cleaning can eliminate the smells almost completely in a very short while.

Monday, July 29, 2013

House Dust - The Ultimate Allergy Cocktail

When was the last time you dusted your house? That fine layer of soft, grey-white dust that settles on your knick-knacks and side tables seems pretty innocuous, but it is actually quite a trouble-maker. Dust is something like a potpourri of allergens. Dead skin cells, dust mites and their excrement, animal dander, pollen and spores are commonly found in your average dust bunny. So basically, if there is something in this world that will trigger an allergic reaction or just irritate your airways, you can find it in dust.

If you take a pinch of dust out of your vacuum bag and put it under a microscope, here are a few or the things that you would find:

  • Paint particles (which depending on the paint, can contain lead)

  • Plant and insect body parts

  • Smoke particles

  • Particles from auto and industrial emissions

  • Heavy hydrocarbon waste from your oil or gas heater

  • Dust mites and their feces

  • Mold spores

  • Constructions debris (saw dust, drywall dust, etc)

  • Rodent excrement (which becomes airborne as it dehydrates)

  • Bacteria

  • Asbestos

  • Specks of metal from door hinges or other places where metal is creating friction against metal

  • Heavy metals (lead, cadmium and mercury)

  • Even if you happen to have lungs of steel or commit random acts of dusting (like the ladies in the Swiffer Duster ads), for those with allergies or asthma, it is important to keep dust levels down inside your home. Depending on the size and make-up of dust particles, they can stay afloat in the air for several hours up to a couple of days!

    Even non-allergic individuals can be affected by dust, simply because some of the elements can be absorbed through the skin as well as inhaled. This means that asbestos and lead dust from the paint in an older house or building as well as other heavy metals can be harmful if they land on your skin. An element like rodent waste that has become dehydrated is easily inhaled with other dust particles and has the potential to cause some serious health risks (an outbreak of acute pneumonia was attributed to inhaling the fine dust of rodent urine and feces--not a pleasant thought, is it?).

    Things to keep in mind while dusting:

  1. Try to clean high traffic rooms like bedrooms and living rooms on a weekly basis, paying careful attention to areas where dust can accumulate (corners, picture frames, door frames, window sills, etc.)

  2. If you have allergies or asthma, you should have a non-allergic person dust and vacuum for you

  3. It takes about 20 minutes for dust to settle after sweeping or dusting, so after cleaning, step outside for a few minutes so that you won't get your lungs filled with dust

  4. There is no hard and fast solution to keeping dust from being produced, because every situation is different. The amounts of dust you find in your house may correlate to its age or simply to the part of the country you live in. Typically, using a HEPA quality furnace filter ( like those made by Dynamic ) will help reduce the overall amount of dust in your air.

What Is Cedar Fever-How Can You Avoid This Illness

The nomenclature 'Cedar Fever' is confusing. In fact, cedar fever is not a type of fever but is an allergic health condition. Allergic reaction in cedar fever is characterized by sneezing, runny nose and itchy and watery eyes. In certain cases, cedar fever may produce allergic conditions like itchiness in the ears.

Some people are allergic to certain substances and allergic reactions to these substances leads to oversensitive immune system. Such over sensitiveness of the immune system results in unwanted enhanced immune response. Allergic reaction takes place when body immune system reacts to an allergen which normally is not harmful for most people. Normally, body immune system is capable of protecting itself from the harmful effects of bacteria, viruses and chemicals.

The name 'cedar fever' is based on the main factor, cedar tree, responsible for occurrence of the allergic condition. Pollens from the cedar tree are considered as the main culprits behind occurrence of cedar fever. However, juniperus ashei (juniper) is the main tree which releases pollens responsible for cedar fever. Cedar fever, being seasonal in nature, mostly affects people during certain periods of the year. Generally, most cases of cedar fever are reported during period of December and January every year. During this period cyclic pollination (releasing of pollens by trees and scattering it by wind) are at its peak. When an individual inhales the pollens, through breathing, such inhaling of pollen could produce certain adverse effects on person with cedar allergy.

It is evident from the above that cedar fever is a pollen allergic reaction. Virtually noticeable reactions surface with allergy to dust, mold and other allergens which can be inhaled. Things like polluted air (containing very small particles) can lead to aggravation of cedar fever.

Treatment of cedar fever involves use of certain medications used for treating allergies. High doses of Vitamin B & C, zinc and many other natural supplements have provided phenomenal results in treating cedar fever. Some nutritionists recommend use of colloidal products like colloidal silver and colloidal gold as complementary therapy for fastening the result and preventing allergies.

Apart from the traditional medications and therapies, there are certain other natural approaches available which may prove to be cure for cedar fever and other seasonal allergies. Adequate intake of vitamins, herb and natural supplements and minerals (like calcium, bromelain, magnesium, licorice etc) can provide you protection from occurrence of seasonal allergies and may also help you in relieving symptoms of allergies.

Allergy Relief and Deviated Nasal Septum

Do you have nasal allergy, allergic rhinitis or asthma? Would fixing a deviated septum help?

This is an especially bad pollen season; with the floods, add mold sensitivity to the allergy woes. After the New Orleans Katrina flood, and the Joplin tornado, mold overgrowth became a significant problem, including mold sinusitis. You can expect mold sinusitis in the Mississippi flood areas.

If you have a deviated nasal septum, will getting it fixed cure your allergy? Usually, the answer is no, but there are exceptions.

What is a deviated septum? In the perfect nose, the septum is what divides your two nasal chambers. It lies in the middle of your nose. If you place your fingers into each nostril, it is the firm divider between your fingers.

The nasal turbinates are the shelves on the outer parts of the nasal chamber. In allergic rhinitis, they swell up and add to nasal blockage. If your nasal septum is precisely midline, you are a rare bird. Kids fall, nose gets hit during athletics, and even the baby's head will strike the mother's nose. In 90% of people the septum is deviated. But usually it is not enough to cause symptoms.

In a deviated septum, the site that bows to the side of the nose is called the convex side; the side that bows away from the side to the opposite side is termed the concave side. To visualize, hold a sheet of paper straight up. Now push is down, one side will be convex, sticking out and the other side concave, curved like a cup.

Since 90% of people have a deviated septum, obviously it doesn't cause a serious problem to all persons. When it does, correction is usually indicated.

A convex septum may impact into the side of the nose, causing a narrowing of the airway. Here breathing is impaired. This can significantly affect sleep and sleep apnea, headaches and sinus infections. The deviation may care the sinus openings to be blocked; once a sinus is blocked with no outlet for bacteria, a sinus infection develops.
The opposite side, the concave side may be wide open so that the patient gets plenty of air through that side. But, often that side may be blocked too, sort of an S shaped deformity. I have had situations where both sinus drainage systems were severely obstructed by a bad septum.

A deviated nasal septum can have an effect on allergy. Ideally the pollen enters the nose and is whisked away by air currents. However even in the straight septum, some of the pollen is trapped in the mucus. In some situations, the convex septum is like a hill, and the pollen, dust and toxic chemicals get deposited "behind" the hill. Once deposited there, unmoved by air currents, they invade the body. This can be a significant factor in industrial situations: chemicals that normally move out of the nose, get deposited and cause problems.

On the concave (pushed in) side, air currents are slow because of the width of that area. Think of a garden hose with the opening wide open: the water dribbles at your feet. Here too pollen and dust may get deposited.

Nasal headaches may arise when a deviated septum directs airflow against a nerve ending. When this is suspected, the doctor can make the diagnosis by anesthetizing that spot to see if the headache vanishes.

In cases where there is already blockage of breathing due to septal deviation, the patient may get along before allergy season. Before the pollen starts, he breathes satisfactorily. But the slightest pollen inflammatory response will now completely block the nose. In my field of Ear Nose and Throat, we are routinely referred allergy patients who, despite the best allergy treatment still have poor breathing because of the septal blockage, and then get relief when the septum is straightened. With a straight septum, otherwise mild allergic rhinitis may not cause significant symptoms.

Despite all kinds of fancy measuring devices, the decision whether correcting a deviated septum will aid the allergic patient, is still a subjective call. This is because we daily see a patient with a clearly deviated septum who insists he has no nasal symptoms whatsoever. Most of these patients have good nasal cilia function that removes pollen and dust. In addition, patients may be fully relieved with non-surgical therapy. Because of the possibility of Empty Nose Syndrome or ENS after septal and turbinate surgery, it is important to seek relief without surgery.

For example: Jane has a deviated septum but is relatively free of symptoms. But she gets clogged up during the six weeks of the allergy season. She is symptom free if she takes her allergy pill for those six weeks. For Jane, fixing her septum would not be indicated.

One useful action is to have the patient use pulse wave irrigation. This is saline irrigation that pulses at a rate to restore good cilia function. When the cilia are restored, many of the allergic symptoms may be relieved and then surgery is not necessary. The cilia function to remove unwanted material from the nose. In the example of Jane above, some of my patients get relief this way- using pulse wave to restore the cilia, and can skip the pills.

Because this is going to be a bad season, remember to:
Avoid getting chilled. Avoid iced drinks.
Avoid hot spicy foods.
Use unscented lipstick.
Change clothes when you get home.
Close windows at 5 AM and 5 PM when plants pollinate
Keep moisture in bedroom at 50% to prevent dust mites
Make sure lawn sprinklers don't spray under the house to avoid mold.
Drive with windows closed.
Avoid driving behind diesel trucks.
Dust proof the bedroom.

If you own a yacht, stay on it during high pollen season. Seriously, you can use the pollen calendar information to locate best places to vacation that are low in pollen.

In summary, most persons do not have a deviated septum that is severe enough to significantly effect allergy symptoms. Those that do, however, should be tried first on pulse wave irrigation. However, in the final analysis it is up to the doctor to use his/her best judgment to decide if surgical correction is the best course.

It is important to understand that fixing a deviated septum will not cure an allergy. After the septum is made perfectly straight, the patient will still be allergic to pollen and cats. But the serious complications of allergy will be reduced. One of the complications we wish to avoid is poor sleep. In these situations, fixing a nasal septum that is blocking the breathing and aggravating the allergy, can give significant relief.

Mold Allergy - The Causes and Symptoms

Mold allergy is not the typical spring time allergy. It's an allergy that's based on the air borne fungal spores or fragments. Since the spores and fragments are very small, they have the ability to bypass the nose tract and reach the lungs. Being microscopic, the foreign particles may be very difficult to avoid and could be common in almost any home or building.

Origin of Molds

Molds grow in places where there are moisture and oxygen. In natural settings, they may thrive on rotting logs, vegetation, and places in shady areas. In the home, they could grow in damp basements, bathrooms, attics, closets, garages, or practically any place that has moisture. The prime locations for mold spores don't necessarily end at the home. Commercial places such as greenhouses, old buildings, bakeries, and industrial factories are a favorite place for mold growth as well. Molds have a ubiquitous nature and it's important that we understand how molds work and where they come from.

There are a number of allergenic fungi that cause allergic reactions in people. The Alternaria, Aspergillus, and Cephalosporium are commonly known fungi that fall under the Fungi Imperfecti group. These, specifically the Alternaria and Caldosporium are more prevalent outdoors than indoors. They are common during the autumn season, but sometimes they appear in the spring and summer. Indoors, Aspergillus and Penicillium are relatively persistent throughout the year with little effect from environmental factors.

Airborne isn't the only way that molds can get into the body. Common foods such as mushrooms, dried fruits, and cheese allow molds to be transported into the body. These items carry various types of molds that produce the same type of symptoms found from the airborne form. What are the typical symptoms?

Symptoms of mold allergies are similar to the effects of seasonal allergies from pollen. Typical symptoms include watering of eyes, stuffy nose, wheezing, and asthma. Medical books will call this allergic rhinitis, which is normally associated with seasonal problems and hypersensitivity problems. Studies suggest that allergic rhinitis is similar to cold-like symptoms. The reaction to these molds is not always immediate. It can sometimes be delayed, depending on the severity. With the help of allergy medication, one can treat mold allergies as with other allergies.

A more dangerous form of allergen is "Toxic mold." Toxic mold, or statchybotys, is a deadly form of allergen that can affect children in a negative way. The more common manifestation of this type is black mold. Black mold causes infants and children to suffer skin rashes and other lung damage that can result in death.

In the southern states, foam boards (wall insulation) with no allowance for air space have caused the walls to become wicks for water leaks and floods. As a result, mold spores easily proliferated throughout the house, leaving black mold. The symptoms of black mold allergy include coughing of blood, anemia, wheezing, bloody nose and nausea.

Allergy-causing molds can range from the simple ones found in nature to the dangerous molds created by man-made construction. The effects of these molds can have a severe effect, including mortality. By understanding the causes and effects of mold allergies, one can start pursuing preventative treatments.

Allergies in Cocker Spaniels

Cocker spaniels are among the most active dog breeds today. Despite such healthy lifestyle, they are still vulnerable against health problems. Some of these problems could get very severe and difficult to treat. Other concerns such as cocker spaniel allergies can be easily managed. Be familiarized with sources and factors that could make your pet allergic.

The top allergy many cockers suffer from is on certain foods. The cockers most vulnerable to food allergies are those between two to six years old. However, older dogs can still get inflicted. Generally, this dog breed is allergic to milk, corn, beef and preservatives and additives in commercially produced dog chow.

Note that the common symptoms of having cocker spaniel allergies on food include hair loss, bald patches, dander, uncontrollable scratching, skin rashes and more frequent elimination or diarrhea. In some cases, the dog might vomit at the smallest bite or passing smell of the food he is allergic to.

On the other hand, note that some of these symptoms are similar to food intolerance. To determine which foods your pet is allergic to, your primary move is to employ food trials or elimination diets for your pet for about 12 weeks. You can devise your own food trial, which may consist of novel protein and carbohydrate sources. There are also commercially prepared diets available on the market. If these fail, consult your veterinarian for better diagnosis of your pet's food allergies. Blood testing for your dog might be recommended.

Cocker spaniel allergies may also be brought about by various environmental factors. One of which is through inhalants. This allergen comes in different forms. These include dust mites, chemicals from different household products, pollens, grasses, mold and perfumes.

Once your dog goes in contact with any of these allergens, his immune system will be triggered to produce histamines which in turn will prompt the symptoms to show. The common allergic reactions your pet might exhibit include sneezing, wheezing, coughing, having hot spots, excessive chewing of paws and licking.

For most cases, cocker spaniel allergies due to inhalants go away on their own or as soon as the exposure of the pet to the inhalant has been eliminated. Then again, if the symptoms get severe, treatment is necessary. Your dog might be subjected to take in steroids and/or antihistamines. Vaccination shots may also be given if the allergen has already been isolated.

Contact and pest allergies are also pertinent to cockers. The former type could be caused by various materials such as plastic, wool, sand and other synthetic items. The latter could be brought about by fleas and other parasites. Both these allergy types can bring about rashes, blisters and intense itching. If left untreated, your dog could develop skin infections or dermatitis. Injectable corticosteroids may be prescribed for severe cases.

Now that you have a general idea of the common cocker spaniel allergies, you are more equipped in setting up a healthier environment for your pet. As a result, you will have a more satisfied, energetic and healthy pet.

Could Your Symptoms Be Due to Mold Allergy?

Are you experiencing a confusing combination of symptoms that your doctor just cannot explain? You could be reacting to mold.

Mold spores are always in the air, and some strains are particularly toxic to humans. But even small amounts of common mold spores can trigger allergic reactions in some people, and lead to multiple symptoms. These may include respiratory problems, headaches, mental fogginess, body aches and pains, rashes and depression, among other things.

Mold allergies become even more of a problem during certain seasons such as autumn, when lots of organic matter decomposes, or spring, when many molds reproduce by releasing huge amounts of mold spores.

Mold develops easily in warm humid environments, and when air moisture is high during to long periods of rain or flooding. Unnoticed water leaks and warm kitchen and bathroom environments create ideal breeding grounds for mold, especially where there is not enough ventilation.

In areas with cold winters, mold can grow on fallen leaves, getting into the air when the leaves are mowed or raked, and triggering allergic reactions.

Mold allergies can go undetected for many years because the symptoms are so varied, and can affect all parts of the body, including the nervous system. Also, mold spores are not visible, and many cases of mold occur in hidden places where they are not noticed.

Not many doctors realize just how insidious mold allergies are, or how many different symptoms they can cause. Mold allergy should be considered whenever a person presents with systemic or multiple symptoms, especially if those symptoms seem to occur at certain times of year such as rainy season or autumn, or in particular environments such as one house or room, but not another.

To protect against mold, remove moldy-looking or musty-smelling potting soil; wash and dry dish cloths every day; air out sweaty shoes; wipe showers dry after each use; regularly air out cupboards, basements or attics, ensure good ventilation, and let sunlight into the rooms.

If you suspect that you or a family member is reacting to mold, do not wait until your symptoms get worse. Get tested and treated.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Flooring Products That Are HypoAllergenic for Sensitive People

Presence of allergen in the environment may cause adverse reactions in hyper sensitive people, including sneezing, coughing or scratching. Watery-eyes, spots like blisters that are quite painful or lung infection are some other problems which they might face. To prevent these, it is important to avoid all activities and products that aggravate allergens.

There are so many things in the house, like flooring, cleaning solutions and others, which have the potential to harbor allergens, such as dust and dust mites. These can be found in homes where people spend over twelve to fourteen hours daily. Therefore, precaution must be taken to keep homes free from allergic-causing substances.

Homeowners can opt for 'hypoallergenic' products which are made using ingredients that are usually light on chemicals. These products are mostly eco-friendly and are manufactured using recycled or organic material. Further, these comprise fewer components, thereby reducing chances of developing allergies. The hypo-allergenic products are generally free from perfumes and odors, which normally make sensitive people sneeze, or feel breathless.

There are many hypoallergenic flooring products that can be chosen by sensitive people. Among all the available options, ceramic tile is the best choice, primarily because of its hard, slick surface that does not allow allergens like dust or mold to settle on it. Ceramic tiles are available in diverse sizes, shapes, designs and patterns. You may also select glass tiles, which are little expensive than ceramic tiles.

People also have the option of selecting environment friendly cork flooring. The tough surface of cork prevents dust and moisture absorption that can give rise to allergy. In addition, cork is free from toxic substances found in few flooring and carpeting products. Besides, you can also choose amongst concrete, rubber, bamboo and hardwood, finished with organic shellac or varnish.

You can also opt for various rugs and carpets, made using natural material like cotton and wool. Linoleum is another great hypoallergenic, Eco green flooring option which is soft, durable, easy to maintain and clean. This naturally fire resistant flooring option is available in a wide palette of appealing colors that can enhance the appearance of any room.

Apart from these flooring options, there are various cleaning and washing formulas that are hypo-allergenic, organic and green. Before purchase, people must read the information and details of each product. This simple measure helps in avoiding purchase of products that contain allergic substances.

In case you are planning to renovate your home and want to install new flooring products, do check whether or not you are allergic to any of them. For example, if you sneeze continuously while walking through the carpet section of a store, probably you are allergic to it. Bamboo can also lead to allergy in certain individuals, causing red rashes all over the body. Thus, it is advisable that you carefully test each product, and purchase those that do not trigger any allergy. With so many options available, you will easily find hypo-allergenic flooring products to which you are not allergic.

Copyright 2010

How the Weather Can Cause Allergies

You may not know this but the weather can produce allergies too. The weather can cause allergies if it is usually humid outside and it can also affect an individual's immune system. The immune system may become sensitive and weak because of the allergies in the environment. During rainy days, your home will probably acquire mold, pollen and dust mites which can add to the weakening of your immune system.

Pollen and mold are usually the allergens that have the greatest potential of affecting the immune system. As a result, these kinds of allergens cause major allergies in people.

Pollens ordinarily come from ordinary elements like trees, weeds, and grass. At spring time, people usually get their allergies from pollen. However, if you acquire an allergy during the summer, then it is probably because of the grasses that growing. During summer, the most common source of allergies is the ragweed.

Molds usually survive in moist and dark areas. Outdoor environments that contain moisture will be sure places where molds will live and thrive. Such places will be around hay, leafs, rotten logs, mulch and trees. At home, you can mostly find them in showers, around kitchen sinks, in window frames and on shower curtains and in the basement just to name a few.

Allergies that are usually caused by pollen may somehow be relieved with the help of a shower or bath before bedtime. Being clean helps you in reducing the amount of skin cells you lose through shredding. Bathing at night could also help you to breathe easier.

When it is usually windy and dry outdoors, you have to prevent yourself from going outside. During such days pollens are all over the place. This is the best time to make good use of the air conditioner inside of your home and car. Always keep the windows of your home and car closed when the air conditioner is on, to prevent the pollen from coming in. This will help you to avoid a possible allergy attack.

Molds just like pollen is all over the place. They can survive inside the home and can even survive outside the home. However, there are still some things that you can do to relieve yourself from the allergy. Avoid having houseplants inside your home or placing them outside your home. If you already have some at your home, get rid of them at once, this can do a great deal to prevent you from any kind of allergies. Plants give off oxygen that could spread pollen around faster causing allergies.

After every shower, you have to keep your tub dry by wiping it with a dry cloth or towel. You also have to do the same on your shower curtain so as not to make molds multiply. Alternatively, you could always spray the inside of your shower and curtain with a cleaner that helps to slow the growth of mold.

If you think that these are too much or find it difficult to do regularly, you can just change your shower curtain every three to six months. The walls of your bathroom should be wiped out using a mixture of bleach and water. Bleach can kill the molds so use them in cleaning your bathroom and your basement.

If you are thinking of redoing your bathroom, avoid the idea of placing carpet in your bathroom. Mold loves the carpet and will usually attach to it. Plus any carpet in your bathroom will be an ideal place for molds to thrive and it will most likely stay damp longer than you would like.

Paints can do a great thing to your walls. Be sure to use paints that stay dry and prevent walls from producing moisture. Molds usually feed on the moisture that walls give off.

Once you experience an allergy attack, taking antihistamines can provide you relief. Antihistamines can help you a lot even though they may have some side effects that are usually just mild ones. Such side effects include dryness of the mouth and tiredness. Some decongestants that come in the form of pills and in nasal spray can also provide relief.

Avoid getting over-the-counter medicines as it is much better to seek medical help from your doctor. Over-the-counter medicines sometimes produce harmful side effects. The doctor may prescribe you some nasal spray that can eliminate the tissue inflammation inside the nose so that you can breathe more easily. Always remember to go and talk to your doctor whenever you feel that there is something wrong in your body.

How Asthma Can Be Avoided

This article is created just for you who have to deal with asthma. You can find some information on how to deal with asthma effectively. By reading and following this information, you will start having beautiful life without asthma.

If you have asthma problem and you have to use your inhaler in more than three times a week to get your asthma gone, you should visit your doctor and ask them to change your medication. Sometimes, the medication in the inhaler doesn't work properly. That's why you need to consult with your doctor about your inhaler.

When you're travelling along, make sure to bring your asthma medications and equipment. Don't forget to bring your prescriptions too. By carrying the prescriptions along with written proof from your doctor, you will reduce the potential problems at the airport security checkpoints.

Make sure you ask your doctor on how you can use your inhaled medication properly. Don't leave his office until you are completely comfortable using the inhaler. You can't just spray it into your mouth and inhale it gently. You have to breathe deeply in conjunction with the spray. Proper use of the asthma inhaler is the important point when you have asthma problem.

You should visit more than one doctor. Even though your primary care doctor can assist you in the basic care for your asthma, don't forget to visit a specialist. Asthma doctors, pulmiologists, and allergists are the people who you want to consult with to help solving your asthma problem.

When you're dealing with an asthma attack, it's important to make sure that you visit your doctor as soon as possible. Make sure that you're ready for the asthma treatment when you're getting asthma problem for the first time. This is very important because early asthma treatment will always be the best solution for you to deal with your asthma.

It is essential to change your sleeping pillows that you use frequently to avoid asthma problem. Use pillowcases and towels that are made from cotton because it won't allow dust mites to grow on them. Just for your information, the dust mites are considered as some of the top contributors of the asthma problems.

If you have an asthma attacks but you don't bring your asthma inhaler on hand, you should try to use caffeine as an asthma remedy. Strong tea, coffee, or chocolate can help you to reduce the severity of your asthma attack. It will help you to constrict your blood vessels and open the vessels so you can breathe easier.

Your Grumpy Child - Personality May Have Nothing to Do With It

Does your child seem to cry at the drop of a hat, or seem to be irritated a lot of the time? If you blame it on personality or attitude, you may be mistaken. It could be allergies. Allergies can affect a person in many ways, from making the skin unusually sensitive to causing emotional or neurological problems.

A child who always seems irritable or constantly complains of tight or uncomfortable clothing or stinging eyes could be irritated by chemicals in your washing products or in the fabric itself, such as formaldehyde (which is used in China to treat a lot of children's clothing that ends up in our shops) or chemicals used in the production of sheets and blankets. Or your child's skin, respiratory or nervous systems could be affected by personal care product such as soaps or creams, or by fumes from school equipment.

Hidden allergies to chemicals, fumes, mold, scents, foods or food additives can cause your child to become irritable, moody, or anxious, and can also cause headaches, sensitive eyes, aggressiveness, depression, and all kinds of other distresses.

What about those children who demand the same foods, day after day? Before you give up, you might first want to rule out allergies. Food allergies can create strong food cravings or addictions, or more precisely, your child can become addicted to the endorphins that the body releases during a reaction to reduce the distress of the reaction.

One way to test for food allergies is a 5 day elimination diet. Cut out the craved or suspect food (in all its forms) from the diet for five days to completely clear the body of it. If your child is allergic to that food, you should see a significant improvement in behavior by the sixth day. If that food is then eaten again, the problem behavior will return, and probably be stronger at first. This experiment can be a bit of a challenge as the child may at first become more irritable and difficult than ever. But these symptoms should disappear in a day or two. Also, you must remove even tiny or trace amounts of that food from the diet.

It sounds like a big task, but if you're fed up coping with a highly irritable or bad tempered child, the rewards are certainly worth the effort. Once the underlying allergy is treated, you'll discover or re-discover the happy, sweet child within.

Sources: Marguerite Kelly, 'Coping With Irritability And Its Physical Causes,' Washington Post Nov 23, 2007; Dr. Dzung Price M.D., 2007, Your Allergy Free Child.

The 6 Different Common Types of Allergens

Wanted! These six allergy scoundrels are the common household allergens responsible for 25.7 million cases of allergic rhinitis and 8 million visits to the doctor in the U.S. each year. Learn more about how to cope with the effects of these common household allergens and how to keep household allergens at bay in your home.


Named for the ragged shape of its leaves, ragweed is the most common plant allergen - and a most tenacious weed! A single plant can produce a million grains of pollen in a single day and a billion grains during its growing season. And that pollen is made for roaming. Samples have been collected 400 miles out to sea and up to two miles in the air.

Unlike many other seasonal allergens, ragweed begins pollinating in late summer, around mid-August, and continues until a heavy frost. Seventy-five percent of people who are allergic to pollen are allergic to ragweed - a member of the Compositae family - which also includes sage, burweed marsh elder, rabbit brush, mugworts, groundsel bush and eupatorium. People with ragweed allergy may also get symptoms when they eat cantaloupe and banana. Chamomile tea, sunflower seeds and honey containing pollen from Compositae family members occasionally cause severe reactions, including shock.

Dust Mites

These ugly, microscopic cousins of spiders are the prime source of year-round allergies. Researchers estimate that 20 million Americans suffer from dust mite allergies. Perfectly adapted to the temperature and humidity of a typical home, dust mites survive on the tiny flakes of skin that all of us shed each day. An adult typically sheds enough skin each day to feed a million dust mites.

A protein in the mite's waste products-not the mite itself - is what provokes allergic reactions. A single dust mite may produce as much as 200 times its body weight in waste. Bedrooms have been shown to be the main repository of dust mites in a typical home.

Animal Dander

Although many people with allergies to pets think that animal fur is the offending culprit, it's not. Researchers have found that the allergens are actually proteins secreted by oil glands in the pet's skin and shed in its dander. Proteins in saliva and urine are also potent allergens. When the substance carrying the protein dries, it may become airborne. Because they lick themselves so much and are often housebound, cats tend to cause more allergic reactions than dogs do. Proteins in the urine of pet rodents such as guinea pigs, gerbils, mice and rats can also cause allergic reactions.

Pet allergies may not develop immediately; in fact, they can take two or more years to develop. Air, carpet and furniture can harbor allergens for months after the pet has been removed from the house. If you have pet allergies, ensure that the previous tenants or owners did not have pets.


Molds, like mildew, are fungi, which reproduce by releasing spores into the atmosphere. While allergies to mold are most common in midsummer to fall, triggered by molds that grow on rotting logs, falling leaves and composts piles, mold allergy symptoms can occur year-round thanks to molds that grow inside bathrooms, kitchens and basements.

Grass Pollen

Lacking the showy flowers that attract insects to pollinate them, grasses rely on the wind to spread their pollen. Of the 1,200 or so species of grass in North America, though, only about 20 cause allergic reactions. The most common are:

* Perennial Rye
* Bermuda
* Redtop
* Fescue
* Salt grass
* Johnson
* Sweet Vernal
* June
* Timothy

If your lawn is made of one or more of these grasses, have someone else mow your lawn or wear a mask to reduce the amount of pollen you breathe in. Also be sure to keep grass mowed short to prevent seeds. You may also want to choose other varieties of grass to help reduce your summertime discomfort. Consider doing outdoor chores later in the day, when pollen concentrations are lowest and when there is little breeze, or shortly after rain. Shower and change your clothes immediately after mowing and leave shoes at the door to reduce your contact with clinging pollen.

Tree Pollen

Of the 650 trees native to the U.S., the pollens of about 100 are allergens. Some of the most common culprits are: Alder, Ash, Beech, Birch, Chestnut, Cypress, Japanese Cedar, Western Red Cedar, Elm, Hazel, Heath, Hickory, Maple, Myrtle, Mulberry, Oak, Olive, Pine, Plane, Poplar, Ti, Wattle, Walnut, and Willow.

During tree season, keep windows closed tightly and use the air conditioner rather than window or attic fans. Most people are allergic to a single species, but people may be allergic to several members of certain families, particularly these:

* alder
* beech
* birch
* oak
* juniper
* cedar

When planting trees in your yard, try choosing varieties that don't cause allergies. Some candidates are: catalpa, crape myrtle, dogwood, fig, fir, palm, pear, plum, redbud and redwood trees.

ADD and Allergies - Is There a Link?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders in the United States and is typically a life long problem. Children with ADHD often struggle with low self-esteem, troubled relationships, poor performance in school, focus and attention problems, difficulty controlling behavior and hyperactivity.

If your child has more than 3 of these symptoms, allergies could be the culprit.

  • Inattention

  • Easily Distracted

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Become bored, especially if it's something they don't like.

  • Difficulty focusing.

  • Organizational skills are usually lacking and learning new things can be a challenge.

  • Poor followthrough. Not finishing homework assignments, losing homework and misplacing items are typical.

  • Doesn't seem like they are listening when spoken to.

  • Daydream

  • Problems following directions, becomes confused easily.

  • Can't sit still.

  • Constantly talking

  • Must touch everything in sight.

  • Have trouble sitting still in school, at dinner or on the bus.

  • Is constantly in motion.

  • Problems with quiet time.

  • Impatient

  • Blurts out inappropriate comments, shows emotions without restraint and act without regard to consequences

  • Have difficulty waiting for a reward or waiting in line.

  • Often interrupt conversations.

Why is ADD under-reported?

Because children may sit quietly and may not be paying attention to what they are doing, the child can be overlooked, parents and teachers may not notice that he or she has ADHD.

Could food allergies have an effect on your child's behavior?

That's the word from doctors at Long Island College Hospital in New York City, who presented their findings at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in Denver.

The study involved 20 children between the ages of 5 and 18, all of whom had been diagnosed with ADHD. But only two had been evaluated for allergy problems, even though all had a family history.

The researchers screened the children for allergic rhinitis, using not only a focused personal and family history, but also blood and other types of allergy testing for mold, cockroaches, dogs, cats, feathers, ragweed, trees and grass.

The results? Eight of the children (40 percent) were diagnosed with asthma or atopic dermatitis, three (23 percent) with allergic rhinitis, and nine (69 percent) had at least one positive allergy test. Fifteen of the 20 also had a history of at least two allergic symptoms.

Based on those findings, the researchers concluded that a high percentage of children with ADHD may also harbor allergies.

The authors suggest all children diagnosed with ADHD should also be tested for seasonal and environmental allergies and that treatment might improve their overall behavior and symptoms.

Many parents will acknowledge that too much soda and candy makes their kids bounce off the walls on a sugar high, but what if a child's persistent hyperactivity was caused by tomatoes, eggs, gluten or some other seemingly innocuous food?

That is what a Dutch study published found. In kids with ADHD, researchers found that putting them on a restrictive diet to eliminate possible, previously unknown food allergies or sensitivities decreased hyperactivity for 64 percent of kids.

It isn't the first time researchers have tried to link ADHD to things kids eat, such as sugar, food dyes or other preservatives, but even with this recent study, pediatricians remain skeptical of a true connection between diet and hyperactivity disorders.

A study published today in the Journal of Pediatrics says that one type of pesticide commonly used on fruits and vegetables may be contributing to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD.

Researchers took urine from over 1,000 participants ages 8 to 15 and analyzed it for pesticides. 119 of the children had symptoms of ADHD. Those with the highest concentration of pesticides were more likely to have the disorder, according to the study.

"It's consistent with other studies that have looked at organophosphate pesticides and have found that exposure of children to organophosphates in early life can cause brain injury. This study builds on those other studies," said Dr. Philip Landrigan, chairman of the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

If there is a link between allergies and behavior problems, if we are able to eliminate allergies from these children, would it be possible to improve behavior, concentration and offer these kids a more normal life. That's the opinion of Dr. Ynge Ljung who has created a home allergy treatment that addresses what is believed to contribute to this disorder.

The Allergy Kit, as it is called, not only treats most food allergies, but also treats herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, vaccines and childhood vaccinations. Milk, sugar and gluten are also believed to contribute to ADD and is also treated in The Allergy Kit using natural allergy remedies.

Do yourself and your child a favor and check out the newest natural allergy treatment and get your life back and bring peace back to your family. It's fast, easy, safe and permanent.

Negative Effects of Seasonal Allergies

Before coming to have an understanding of various seasonal allergies, first let's know what these really are. Inflammation of the mucus membrane is the cause of allergies. The interior of our nasal passage has the said membrane. On getting inflamed, the membrane causes irritation. These affect a lot many people and often vary, depending on season.

Let's take winter allergies first. Most winter allergies comprise of dust, mold allergies and animal. People tend to develop allergies to all these things as they are quite likely to have either or all these inside the home during winters. Try to have a closer look to the atmosphere you create at home during winters. You tend to keep the furnace on most of the time for keeping the house warm, thus generating dust. Mold also has a tendency to prevail in warmer area, and therefore sets inside the house. And, the pets too are naturally inclined and encouraged to remain indoors. All this makes you prone to developing allergies most of the winters. Now, don't rush to conclude that you would sneeze or cough during this season only. It only means that the chances of your experiencing allergies in winters are much more than in any other season.

Next comes the spring season. Most of us are prompted to get out of the house and start getting ready the flower beds to be able to enjoy the forthcoming weather. Spring is good not only for planting but also for the growth of plants. The growth of plants necessarily releases what are known as pollens. A lot of people are unable to bear pollens, and caught unawares that causes their condition to worsen.

Next comes the summer season. Most allergies of this weather are connected to weeds and grass. As you are aware the two grow fastest during this part of the year. That prompts you to cut them rather frequently. And that's where the catch is. As you cut them more frequently, more are your chances of getting exposed to allergies. One very common symptom is to get itchy or watery eyes on entering the house soon after cutting grass.

Finally, we experience fall. People do get affected during this season, though attacks are not severe. That's because this time of the year plants don't grow. So, not much pollen is released. Certain things that you carried during summer, may still irritate you at times but this time of the year wouldn't normally get as much irritation.

Finally, it all depends upon what are you suffering from that could make you experience any kind of seasonal conditions. It's very common to have seasonal allergies, but it's important to get tested for allergies and take remedial measures to have control over this malady.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to Prevent Mold Growth in Air Conditioners

Because there is moisture inside your air conditioners, it breeds the growth of mold. All air conditioners attract mold spores due the oxygen rich and moist environment. When mold grows inside your air conditioner, it is not a healthy sign because the spores can spread easily through the air and make people inside the room sick.

If you are not careful, air conditioners can become a breeding place for mold. When dust gets inside the cooling fins and becomes damp, mold forms overtime. A well-designed and maintained air conditioner should prevent any mold growth. However, units that are badly designed or not maintained regularly will encourage mold to grow.

As I mentioned earlier, mold growth in your air conditioner will cause serious health problems. When you inhale mold spores, it can trigger asthma attack or allergic reactions for some people. The spores can also irritate the skin, eyes, lungs, nose and throat, causing a lot of discomfort.

Therefore it is very important to prevent mold growth in your air conditioners. Now, let me share with you some tips to prevent mold from growing:

1. Clean your air conditioner regularly. Use a clean cloth to wipe the dust off the cooler fin. This will prevent dust from gathering and turning into mold due to moisture.

2. Make sure that the condensation pan is not overflowing. When there is too much water in the pan, it will encourage mold growth. So always clear the pan regularly.

3. After cleaning the air conditioner with air cloth, allow it to dry before turning it on.

4. Hire an air conditioner maintenance company to service your unit regularly. The technician will perform maintenance checks on your system to ensure that everything is fine.

The best solution to stop mold growth is to control the moisture of the system. If you see that your system starts to drip water, get it fixed immediately. Also, when you see moisture around the base of the air handler, it means that the condensation pipe is blocked and you need to address the problem immediately.

Last but not least, take a closer look at the exterior of your air conditioner. If you find any mold on hard surfaces, use detergent, bleach and water to wash it away. Do not use your hand to touch it. Always remember the best solution to prevent mold growth is to keep your system free from moisture.

Can Pets Trigger Your Asthma?

Household pets consist of protein that is not human protein, so animal tissue might be the cause of allergies in some humans, which could trigger asthma. Human exposure to animal skin cells (dander) that have been normally shed is the most important source of sensitization. Animal saliva, urine, and hair also carry the allergy-provoking protein substances. Animal hair, since it is not in solution, causes fewer problems than saliva and urine.

Cats seem to cause more trouble than dogs. Certain major proteins have been found in cats that have been demonstrated to cause asthma. Some cats produce more of the offending proteins than others, and males produce more than females. It is also true that some cat allergens are more potent than others. Removing a cat from a home will reduce the amount of cat protein, but it may take as long as 6 months after the cat is gone for all of the cat allergen to degenerate and be gone.

Dogs are a little less offensive than cats when it comes to allergens, so results of exposure by the patient to dog protein are less explosive than with cat tissue. Unlike with cats, no specific major dog allergen has been identified. Dog proteins capable of causing symptoms have been found in dog dander, saliva, and serum. There are differences in structure and production of dog allergen with regard to breed. All breeds, including the Chihuahua and the Poodle, are capable of causing allergies.

Exposure to horse dander produces reactions as volatile as exposure to cats. But horse exposure is usually outdoors, ensuring less concentrated and shorter exposure than to cat dander. Allergy to cows, goats, and sheep is usually occupational, occurring in people such as veterinarians who have repeated exposure to such animals.

Chickens, ducks and other fowl can harbor mites in their feathers that could cause allergies. With the uptake of keeping fowl in the backyard for eggs, this is yet another source to look out for. There is also the possibility that the growth of mold in feathers, including feather pillows, is the source of some symptoms of allergies. Feather pillows are readily replaceable with synthetic materials, often eliminating the problem.

As a general rule, if you sneeze or wheeze after handling a pet you may be allergic and the allergy may trigger your asthma.

Allergies - How Did They Come About?

An allergy or also known as hypersensitivity is an abnormal reaction to certain substances that usually occur naturally. If an allergic person is exposed to these substances called allergens, the body's immune system gets ready to fight them. Allergens are microscopic protein substances that are common and provoke allergic people to produce antidotes (antibodies). The most common allergy provoking substances are pollen from weeds, grass, flowers and tree, mold and mold fungus, house dust mites and pet dander.

Where did allergies come from? How did they originate? The earliest report of allergic disease is that of King Menses of Egypt who was killed by the sting of a wasp at some time between 3640 and 3300 BC. From ancient history, Britannicus, the son of the Roman Emperor Claudius was allergic to horses and developed a rash in his eyes and swelled that he could no longer see.

The concept of allergy was originally introduced in 1906 by the Viennese pediatrician Clemens von Pirquet. After he noted that some of his patients were hypersensitive to normally innocuous entities such as dust, pollen, or certain foods. Pirquet called this phenomenon "allergy" from the Ancient Greek words allos meaning "other" and ergon meaning "work". According to history, all forms of hypersensitivity were classified as allergies and it was caused by poor and improper immune system.

Scientists believe allergies originated millions of years ago as a way for the human body to free itself of parasites and invading worms. The body fights these elements and other invaders by producing an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the intestines and lungs. IgE triggers immune cells to release a number of chemicals, one of which is histamine. Histamine produces hives, watery eyes, sneezing, and itching. The more a person is exposed to allergens, the more the body produces IgE and usually, allergies often get worse with age.

What causes an allergy? Allergies can be caused by just about any substance that you inhale or swallow, or that touches your skin. Today, allergies are extremely common and it continuously arises. They cause annoying symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, swollen and itchy eyes. They can also trigger other conditions such as asthma, sinusitis, ear infections and skin rashes. The most common symptom of allergies is allergic rhinitis, most popularly known as hay fever. These symptoms are similar with those of the common cold. The difference is, common cold runs for 7 to 10 days while allergic rhinitis can drag for weeks and even moths.