Many people don't realize that they have a sensitivity to grains - they just know they are tired and don't feel well. Here are a few of the health benefits of going on a grain free diet:
Lose Weight
Losing the grains is a great and easy way to lose the weight. Grains are high in carbohydrate, which triggers high insulin levels in your blood when eaten. When your blood insulin levels rise, your fat storage cells are basically locked, meaning you can't get at them to burn off that fat.
In addition, when you eat grains, they tend to trigger cravings for sweets and for more grains. The more you eat, the more you want. The first couple of days without grains are the hardest, but if you eat plenty of protein and non-starchy veggies, your appetite will greatly diminish and you will find yourself dropping pounds and gaining energy quickly.
Stop Heartburn and Acid Reflux
Another problem with having excess insulin produced by eating grains is that it can over stimulate the pancreas. This then can create too much of the hormone Gastrin, which produces acid in the stomach. Too much stomach acid can cause heartburn, GERDS and acid reflux. Thankfully, these symptoms are often the first to be relieved by following a no grain diet.
Relieve Bloating and Gassiness
Consuming grains can often lead to food-related gas and bloating. Gastrointestinal bacteria cause the fermentation of sugar in your gut, leading to gastric discomfort. Chronic diarrhea is also quite a common complaint and can often be relieved successfully by eliminating the grains from your diet.
Stop Headaches
Headaches are a common symptom of wheat allergy or sensitivity. I personally stopped my four to five times a week headaches immediately simply by eliminating wheat from my diet. It is interesting that headaches are also a frequent sign of mold allergy and wheat in the field can develop mold on the grains before harvested.
Relieve Joint Pain
Many people don't even realize that they have joint pain. If you find that your fingers are swollen and tend to ache or that your ankles and knees seem to creak a little when you wake up in the morning, the grains in your diet may be the culprit. Eliminate the grains and within a few days, you may notice that you walk a bit sprightlier and your rings may be a bit looser.
The grain free diet forces variety and creativity. It is an exciting challenge if you enjoy cooking and trying new recipes and the rewards are priceless - an improved quality of life.
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