Friday, July 26, 2013

Different Types of Allergies - Symptoms and Preventive Measures

Some people may think a better description of Austin would be the allergy capital of the world. With cedar, mold, pollen, ragweed and a seemingly endless list of allergens provide a year round cause of the sniffles, teary eyes and general suffering. Allergies are not only limited to vegetation, they are increasingly linked to foods, clothes, medicines, and Austin's abundant population of fire ants, bees, wasps and also household pets. Allergic reactions vary from the mild to very serious and if not caught in time, can also be fatal. It is very important to know the different type of allergic reactions and their causes so that preventative measures can be taken to avoid complications if left untreated.

Allergies are caused by the activation of white blood cells called mast cells and basophils such as ImmunoglobulinE (IgE, an antibody) in response to exposure to normally harmless environmental elements. Testing the skin to determine the presence of IgE levels is one method to check the level of allergic reaction, and treatment varies from allergen avoidance to prescription of anti-histamines, steroids, and immunotherapy in order to desensitize the body's response to the allergen. Here some of the more common causes of allergies:

Food Allergy-There are many people who react to a long list of foods such as soy, peanuts, shellfish, cow's milk etc. Reaction to food allergies can range from mild to severe. A reaction is triggered when a protein or a fragment of a protein is mistakenly identified by the body's immune system as potentially harmful.This can cause the body to go into anaphylactic shock, requiring immediate medical treatment. Milder reactions include an upset stomach, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Common treatments are avoidance, immunotherapy, and the use of self-injectable epinephrine.

Clothes Allergy- The increased use of different types of dyes in clothing is leading to a growing number of allergies to fabrics such as nylon and polyester. Common symptoms may be red rashes, swelling, itching, and in more severe cases, eczema. Cotton and silk clothing leads to the fewest complaints of irritation. There are many remedies for relieving most irritation, usually involving topical creams.

Medicine Allergy - Many people are allergic to drugs like codeine, antibiotics, and sulfa drugs, and almost any drug can cause an adverse reaction. The first time a new drug is ingested, there may not be any reaction. The second time, the body produces IgE, and adverse reactions are common. The symptoms appear both externally as well as internally, and include digestive problems, or a rash. Severe reactions can be fatal. Seek immediate medical help if the person is experiencing a severe allergic reaction.

Respiratory Allergy/ Asthma - Allergens like dust, mold, mildew, pollen, etc. can cause inflammation of the air passages, causing difficulty in breathing. Common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, teary eyes and itchy throat. The best way to prevent such kinds of allergies is to maintain hygienic conditions in and around your home and have minimum contact with dust. Several medications, as well as inhalers, can reduce the amount of discomfort experienced.

Skin Allergy- People with sensitive skin have an allergic reaction to many things like jewelry, cosmetics etc. as soon as they come in contact with their skin. Symptoms include itching, redness, blistering and swelling of the affected area. To prevent such reactions, all direct contact with the objects should be avoided.

Insect Sting Allergy - People usually are prone to allergic reactions on being stung by insects like bees, ants, wasps etc. The insects inject poison into your body, resulting in immediate pain, itching and swelling at the site of the insect sting. As with food allergies, the first sting may not produce a strong reaction, but the second bite is likely to be worse than the previous one. Immediate medical attention would be required given the person's reaction to the bite. Minor reactions are often harmless.

Allergic reactions are the body's way of reacting to food, an insect bite, pollen and any other substance that it perceives as a threat. Sometimes, that response is overwhelming and immediate medical treatment should be obtained. With proper medication, allergies can easily be countered, yet they could be life threatening if ignored.

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