Friday, July 12, 2013

Home Improvement - By Construction Experts

The key to a healthy basement is maintaining a low humidity level. If you are able to keep your basement dry you may never need to remodel it. What happens incase you have a high humidity level of 55-60%? Most people are quite unfamiliar with the dangers to health a humid basement or attic may cause especially if you are near trees. Think about all the times your cat had a cold, could it have been a mold allergy? Those with kids need to watch their health for any sort of allergies. Check to see if they begin to sneeze on their own and if they do, then check out your basement and if you have an attic, check it for water seepage or leaks? Rain can also cause dampness that molds and mildew can grow upon.

In case, your basement or attic is infected with mold you will have to make sure you have checked all the walls out for mold traces. You will need mold and mildew removal and basement waterproofing. Your walls may have to be changed in case mold has damaged them. If your basement is damaged by mold you will need basement remodeling and waterproofing.

When you hire a mold and mildew removing expert, he can take samples of your mold, test these in a lab and tell you if your mold is of a dangerous kind. Of more than 1.5 million species there is a black mold that can give you lung cancer and even liver cancer very easily. This kind of black mold is found near trees. These mold removal experts will pump out any standing water, and remedy your problem using years of experience that will help you protect yourself, your family and pets from mold allergens. Mold air testing will help you with improved air quality and let you and your family, enjoy better quality air.

If your property is badly infected, you may want to hire a construction consultant to redo the damaged areas.

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