Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Symptoms of Toxic Mold Exposure or Mycotoxicosis

Symptoms of toxic mold exposure or Mycotoxicosis are multiple and life threatening. Mold toxicity is not easy to detect. Some physicians unknowingly worsen the problem by ordering allergy shots for their patients suffering from mold toxicity, but this only makes the problem worth. A vaccine just adds more toxins in the body; it does not get rid of it. Molds produce mycotoxins; they enter the body by the mouth, the nose or the skin and then colonize the organism they have invaded. They are toxic because they are designed to be able to defend their territory against other fungi competitors. They thrive in humid areas but they need an organic source to feed them and survive. The food source can be oil, skin cells, dirt, crumbs and more. Here are some symptoms of fungal exposure.


Respiratory problems
Burning sensations in the throat and the lungs
Stomach upsets
Losing memory and having the impression of being in a fog
Boils on neck
Depression, confusion, tiredness
Palpitations, seizures
Losing balance
Bruising, losing fingernails

The major species of molds:

Aspergillus is a common fungi around us. It leads to hospitalization. It is common to experience skin rashes and the loss of hair. Vitamins and supplements are often made with these fermented fungi.

Aspergillus fumigates is the fungi that causes the most infections. It develops on organic matters decomposing such as on compost piles.

Aspergillus flavus produces carcinogens.

Aspergillus niger is linked to lungs obstruction and hearing loss. It causes stomach and skin problems as well as hair loss.

Chaetomium globosumi are present in construction materials damaged by water. It looks black and slimy and develops in a long period of time, thus preferable in an abandoned building.

Stachybotrys develop also in water-clogged construction materials but it develops more rapidly. It causes skin problems, the loss of memory and balance and nosebleeds. It is carcinogen and suppresses the patient's immunity.

Cladosporium spp looks dark green in the front with a black and powdery velvet appearance in the back. It is found in decaying matter. It causes asthma, sinusitis and skin lesions.

Fusarium spp is to be found in the soil and in plants and in humidifiers. It is ingested through food and causes external infections, vomiting and internal bleeding. It can attack the nervous system or the reproductive system.

Penicillium spp is found in food, construction materials and decaying plants. It can cause serious respiratory problems.

Not everybody is allergic to mold, so most people will not be as affected by breathing or eating mold. Most every home has mold up to a recent study, but to reduce its occurring, keep your home dry, kill it with a bleach solution, and look especially under the sink, in the refrigerator tray, in the basement, on the shower curtains, in or around houseplants, in garbage pails and humidifiers. Never treat a mold lightly. Three more things you can do: do not put carpet in a bathroom or a basement. Ventilate your home every day and make use of your exhaust fans regularly.

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