This plant has so much to offer that a few possible wheatgrass side effects should not put you off. Wheatgrass is really gaining in popularity due to the amount of health benefits it can offer via its numerous beneficial nutrients.
Wheatgrass can be applied both orally and externally and it can be used to treat and cure numerous conditions. Wheatgrass contains nutrients that can be classified into different groups. There are crucial enzymes, with their catalyst nature, various vitamins and minerals necessary for processes occurring in our bodies, and a wealth of chlorophyll, the highest content in nature, which represents a multi-potent substance, capable of tackling different issues, but more about this later on.
The nature of wheatgrass side effects is mild and even though they pose no serious health risk, there are ways they can be avoided easily.
The usual wheatgrass side effects include nausea, headache, and rarely, diarrhea and allergies.
Nausea is really a symptom, which occurs due to the ingestion of wheatgrass right before or after a meal. It is very important to drink wheatgrass on an empty stomach and preferably in the morning. At least an hour should pass before or after you had a meal. Nausea can occur for a different reason, and that reason is new users not being accustomed to drinking wheatgrass and its rather unusual taste, or just the quantity was too much for the stomach to digest. If you're one of those people, give it some time, take an ounce a day in the beginning and gradually increase the quantity. To tackle the taste issue, squeeze some lemon juice and pour it in your wheatgrass juice, then add some honey. This way it goes down easily.
The list of wheatgrass side effects includes headache, which at times can be combined with nausea. It happens due to the rapid detoxification process that starts once the wheatgrass is consumed. Chlorophyll present in wheatgrass in large quantities triggers this effect due to its detoxifying properties. It makes the tissues release their toxic buildup. These effects can be overcome by steady and gradual increase in ingested wheatgrass juice. Take it slow in the beginning, and you'll avoid headache.
Diarrhea, the most annoying of all wheatgrass side effects, can occur when there's been a large ingestion of wheatgrass juice over a short period of time, rendering our digestion system incapable of processing these large quantities. Again, take care of the quantities, and you should be fine.
Wheatgrass side effects so far, have proven to be more of discomforts. But there's another type of wheatgrass side effects that can prove to have a more serious impact on health of some people and these are allergies, particularly, wheat and mold allergies. People allergic to wheat should not use wheatgrass use since wheatgrass is, well, young wheat. Wheatgrass grown in unhealthy conditions can be infested with molds which some people are allergic to. Luckily, wheatgrass mold is easy to spot and remove, or just toss away.
As you can see, there are a few wheatgrass side effects and many wheatgrass health benefits. If you're careful, you'll be able to enjoy your wheatgrass without the fear of some side effect creeping up. Cheers!
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