Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mold - You Know It's Disgusting, But Did You Know It's Deadly?

If you're living with mold, you should know that it is probably far worse than you think. You see, most people who have mold in their homes or office buildings use a typical commercial cleaner to take care of it - thinking that they've gotten rid of the mold. However, the only thing that really happens here is that the surface mold is gone...for now. Mold will grow back and if you live in a humid or damp area, you've probably got mold somewhere in your home.

Mold typically grows in areas where it is damp and even dark in the home. This probably includes basements and cellars, attics, bathrooms and other areas where there is a lot of dampness or humidity. Mold can cause some very serious health issues - from terrible allergies and immune system issues to memory impairment and even death. It is not simply a household nuisance - it's a very real threat to you and your family.

Luckily, although household cleaners are not the answer, there are some things you can do to get rid of the mold in your home. The most important thing you can do is a preventative measure - and that is closing off any leaks or areas where moisture may come into the home. This includes cracks in windows, leaky pipes, moisture coming from concrete in basement areas, etc. It's important that you remove this moisture or the mold will continue to return again and again.

Another thing you can do is help remove the moisture content in the air by running a dehumidifier or air conditioner in your home. This will help stop the mold as it lives best in moist, damp areas. If you've already noticed the mold in your home, you must also take measures to kill the mold that is inside of your house. You may have tried to kill it with bleach or other household cleaners, only to find that it has returned.

When you are cleaning this mold, you should always take care not to breathe or touch the mold. Wear a face mask and gloves to protect yourself and try not to come into contact with the mold. Throw away any supplies that are used to clean the mold - such as cloths or sponges. You may want to inquire about getting your home professionally cleaned to get rid of the mold, but this step is expensive. There are some all natural products proven to remove mold.

Whatever your choice is, make sure you do something soon. Mold is extremely dangerous and if left unaddressed, could have potentially fatal consequences. Good luck.

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