Monday, July 15, 2013

Are Your Food Allergies Causing Your Migraines?

If you have been suffering for years from migraines, probably the last thought in your mind is that it may be caused by food allergies. And, yet, in millions of migraine sufferers, food allergies are exactly the problem.

Essentially, a migraine is a severe vascular headache. It tends to affect women more often than men. In addition to a splitting headache, common symptoms are sensitivity to light and sounds.

In the most severe cases, migraines can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. And, in addition to the severe pain that you suffer while the headache is ongoing, afterwards you may also suffer from sleep deprivation due to your inability to fall sleep.

While not responsible for all migraine headaches, researchers have proven that food allergies are the cause of many cases of migraines. In key studies, participants with such headaches were first tested for any food allergies that they might have.

They were then given foods to which they had allergies and monitored for any effects that it might have on them. In a significant number of cases, within a certain period of time after eating one of the offending foods, many would experience a migraine headache. Furthermore, once the foods that they had allergies to were removed from their diet, in eighty percent of the cases, the migraine attacks vanished.

Normally, when you go to your doctor for help for migraines, he will prescribe some sort of medication or painkiller for you to take. Or he may suggest that you try relaxation therapy. But, in many cases, a simple IgG food allergy test can resolve your dilemma.

Once you get the results of the test back, you may be amazed at the types of foods that you have been allergic to over the years. Many people are allergic to common foods such as eggs, wheat, oranges, cheese, and many more that they never expected. And then, once they begin to remove these offending foods from their diet, their migraine attacks slowly begin to dissipate.

But relief from migraine headaches will probably not be the only benefit that you gain. In addition, many people with problems of bloating, find that their bloating symptoms disappear as well. And, if you have been having skin problems for years, you may find those starting to vanish also.

The bottom line is that we are just starting to discover all the ways in which the foods that we eat affect our health. We have all been told since childhood, that we need to eat the right foods if we want to stay healthy. The problem, however, is that the right foods are different for different people.

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