Friday, July 12, 2013

How To Deal With Eye Allergies

Just like your body can over react to different allergens, so do your eyes. If the eye perceives a threat it will try to defend against it. Unfortunately sometimes it is wrong and the result can be itchy, swollen, dry red eyes. This is do to a failure in the immune response. Sometimes eye allergy symptoms will be part of a bigger allergy problem like asthma, They can also occur on their own. If you suffer from eye allergies you have to try and avoid your triggers.

Eye allergies can be caused by both indoor and outdoor allergens. Inside allergens like dust mites, pet dander and smoke can all be problems for the eyes. Air purifiers and allergy free bedding can help reduce your exposure to these indoor allergens. Its also important to keep a clean clutter free house. Outside some people get allergies from sun exposure, of course a good pair of sunglasses can help. Other outdoor allergens like mold spores and pollen can cause your eye allergy symptoms. Try and look at the daily allergen count and avoid going out on days when levels are high.

Once your symptoms start try and treat them as soon as possible. If your eyes are red and swollen you can try putting a clean wet sterile cloth over them to act as a cold compress. This might reduce the swelling and some of the irritation of minor allergies. Eye drops can also help with the redness. You should have your symptoms diagnosed by a doctor to make sure allergies are causing your symptoms not some other eye related problem. Once you find out what your allergic to it makes it a lot easier to avoid.

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