Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mold Allergy - Symptoms and Treatment for Mold Allergies

Just like any other allergies, an allergic reaction to mold spores can range from mild irritation to extremely damaging and even harmful or fatal to your health. There are a medical treatments that are available and will overcome the different symptoms of the mold allergy. But the best thing to do, instead of dealing with the actual allergy itself, is to find the cause of the mold. Once you find the presence of the mold you can eliminate it which will also eliminate any mold allergy that could come from it.

Just like pollen, mold spores are the cause allergic reactions in people who are susceptible, or have allergies. If a person with an allergy to mold is exposed to too much of this fungus, they will have an adverse reaction. Somebody that is known to have allergies from mold will suffer as the mold gradually builds up and is released into the immediate vicinity.

Depending on whether you are indoors or outdoors will also depend on the type of mold that you see. And the symptoms of mold allergies are very similar to the symptoms of other allergies. The most common types of symptoms from a mold allergy are wheezing, itching around the eyes, a runny nose, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, and even rash or hives. Some people find that they are very restless for long periods of times, feel weak for no apparent reason, and are affected by sinus problems. The most serious type of symptoms that are related to an allergy from mold are asthma symptoms, which can lead to long-term breathing problems.

The most common places that mold growth is found is usually in the bathroom, the basement, in closets or storerooms, and around garbage cans. You can usually find them around washing and drying machines as well. Any area that is often damp, wet or has water is basically a place where mold can grow. The easiest way to treat somebody with an allergy from mold is finding the source of the mold itself. Areas that can be cleaned regularly are places like bathroom tiles and the shower. You can use exhaust fans, or dehumidifiers in areas that are often moist. This will keep the humidity to a point that is low enough that mold will not be able to grow.

These are just a few steps that you can take to reduce the possibility of a mold allergy and prevent mold growth from happening in the first place.

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