Monday, June 3, 2013

Poisoned In The Home - Black Mold Symptoms And Treatment

Black mold is bad news for your body, and if exposed, you need to get your symptoms treated quickly. Until recently, people generally didn't believe that so many common problems were caused by black mold. But, recent research has been looking into the symptoms and treatment of black mold exposure.

The number one treatment is... you guessed it, prevention! I know, if you are suffering from exposure symptoms, it's already too late, but if you make your house a hostile alien environment for that nasty black mold, your symptoms will disappear.

There are toxic and non-toxic varieties of mold. First, let's look at ways to treat your non-toxic mold suffering.

Non-Toxic Mold

The most common black mold symptoms resemble those of a common cold, or what we usually refer to vaguely as "allergies." Since mold trouble is often associated with poor ventilation, one way to treat your stuffy nose and sinus trouble is to simply open the windows and get some fresh air. Then, after you feel better, creep around the house and find the mold and kill it.

You'll often experience these symptoms in certain parts of the house only. Your nose will tell you which part of your house is harboring the mold. If, for example, you get stuffed up when you go into the basement, you know there's a mold problem there.

There is no effective treatment to mold if you don't get rid of it. And, there is no way to get rid of mold unless you get rid of the conditions that cause the mold. Keep your house dry and well-ventilated, and check often the areas where mold is prone to grow.

Toxic Mold

Toxic mold is a different story and it is altogether more serious. Symptoms can be pretty wide-ranging. Doctors have identified at least 50 symptoms associated with black mold. Some of the most common include:

-Cold or sinus symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose or headache

-Sore throat

-Persistent cough

-Itchy or red eyes

-Rashes or hives

-Nausea and fever


-Fatigue or general malaise

-Memory or hearing loss


-Shortness of breath

-Lightheadedness and dizziness

This is a pretty big list, but it's not everything. Some of these are very serious symptoms. With all of them, it's difficult to tell if the cause is mold-related or not. The proper diagnosis is essential for the proper treatment.

If you suspect there may be mold in your house, you should hire a licensed mold inspector to take samples. When you see the doctor, tell them that you believe you may have mold, and this will help them diagnose you.

These symptoms tell you that there is a toxic form of mold in your home, and your doctor may recommend a detox program. Mold spores have gotten into your respiratory system and dispatched mircotoxins throughout your body. That is why you experience such wide-ranging symptoms like memory loss or stomach trouble. Learn to stop toxic black mold from our site.

Aside from removing the cause, there are other treatments available. Your doctor may prescribe antihistimines or other nasal decongestants. These will not remove the allergy, but will provide temporary relief from symptoms. At the very least, they'll help you breath better.

If it is determined that your particular allergy is a form of asthma, your doctor will provide tougher stuff. This may include an inhaler and stronger drugs.

Severe cases may involve immunotherapy. With immunotherapy, a doctor gives you shots of a small quantity of the irritant that is causing your allergic reaction. Following the strict regiment of shots and drugs over time, your body will develop its own immunity to the allergen. Immunotherapy has shown remarkable results in the treatment of asthma and other allergies, but it is used only for particularly severe cases.

Before seeing your doctor, make sure you know in detail what is causing the allergy. You should know how much mold you've been exposed to and where in the house it is. This will help you to answer their questions so they can provide the best treatment possible.

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