Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Symptoms Of Acidosis Part 2

In our first part we talked about some of the more serious conditions caused by acidosis. But even (at first glance) minor conditions can occur through overly acidic body conditions, which will be highlighted here at part #2.

Studies have shown that an acidic, anaerobic (which is also the lack of oxygen) body environment encourages the breeding of fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses. As a result, our inner biological terrain shifts from a healthy oxygenated, alkaline environment to an unhealthy acidic one (acidic pH scale).

It is a lot of "hard work" for our body to neutralize and detoxify these acids before they can act as poisons in and around the cells, ultimately changing the environment of each cell. As soon as our internal environment becomes too acidic, the body starts to set up defense mechanisms in order to minimize the damage these acids can do to vital organs. Some of the body's reactions are:


Yeast and fungus produced in an acidic environment can feed on our nutrients and thus reduce the absorption of everything we eat by as much as 50%. Without protein the body can't produce enzymes, hormones or other chemical components necessary for cell energy and organ activity. This causes people to become very thin, which is not healthier than being overweight. As alkalizing and oxygenating takes place, the body naturally begins to seek its own ideal weight.

Low Energy and Chronic Fatigue

When having our cells constantly exposed to an overly acidic environment our biological terrain's oxygen level drops, leaving us tired and fatigued. This will allow parasites, fungus, bacteria, mold and viral infections to flourish and gain a hold throughout the body.


The toxins produced within an acidic, oxygen deprived environment as well as the absorption of undigested proteins is major cause of allergy conditions. When the digestive system is weakened, a wide range of allergic reactions can occur, e.g. food allergies, and the overall susceptibility to allergens is increased.


There are many different forms of acne, and not few are linked to an unhealthy diet. Especially foods that are highly acidic tend to cause acne.

Frequent Colds, Bronchitis, Infections, Headaches

Only when our pH level is fairly balanced, the binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin protein of our red blood cells in the lungs operates. If the pH is too acidic, microbes in our respiratory systems can grow much more easily, and in that way cause bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis, and invade our cell system. This can result in cough, bronchial spasms (asthma), colds, infections and headaches.


The only way of avoiding the over-acidification of the body and thus acidosis is to live according to an alkaline diet (by means of eating highly alkaline foods or taking alkaline green food dietary supplements) and drinking plenty of alkaline water. This will help getting rid of acid wastes and restore health body cells.

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