Saturday, August 24, 2013

How to Deal With Allergies?

In today's world many people suffer with problem of allergy. Allergies can be seasonal & mild or it can be severe lasting throughout the year. Allergy occurs as a result of overreaction or hyper reaction of body to certain things.

The things are termed as allergens. Allergy can result into many symptoms of varying degree such as - running nose, watering from eyes, itching in nose, eyes & roof of mouth, blocking of nose, sneezing asthma etc.

Mild allergy usually doesn't require any treatment. It is usually relieved by taking decongestant drops. However in cases where allergies interfere with day to day life i.e. severe allergy needs proper assessment from your general physician.

The most important thing in people suffering from allergy is to find out the specific allergen responsible. Some people can be sensitive towards pet animals at home. Your doctor can advice you to do skin test. In this test tiny piece of allergens are tested under your skin & the allergen which causes reaction is looked for.

The most common allergens are animal dander, dust mites, molds, pollen. You can control allergies arising from different allergens. In case of allergy with animal dander, the best solution is to get rid of pets. But in some cases this is not possible, so try keeping pet outside the bedroom. There should be no carpet inside bedroom. In case of furniture always opt for leather instead of fabric. You should not allow animals to sleep on bed with you, bath your dog regularly. You can also take help of veterinarian doctor to tell you more different ways for reducing pet dander in home.

Dealing with dust mite allergy -
Dust mites are usually found in carpets, bedding & furniture. The dust mites fecal matter grow in moist temperature of dust mite contains allergen. You should use allergy proof covers of your bedding as a preventive.Bedding should be washed weekly in hot water to kill the critters. Regular cleaning of carpets & furniture with vacuum cleaner should be done. Use a dehumidifier in your home for reducing the humidity.

Dealing with pollen allergy -
While at home keep windows closed. Before going to bed at night take shower so as to wash away the pollen & other allergen in your skin & hairs. While driving car, keep windows closed & use an air conditioner.

Dealing with mold allergy -
Mold usually grows on places of stagnant water such as shower curtains, window moldings & damp basements, compost piles, logs etc. For reducing amount of mold in home remove plants & regularly do cleaning of shower curtains, bathroom windows, damp walls etc. You can also use mixture of water & chlorine as bleach for killing mold. Avoid using carpets in bathrooms, use dehumidifier in home.

There is no cure for allergy. Medications also give temporary relief. So, the best solution is to try ways for avoiding contact with allergens.

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