Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How Do Allergies Cause Candida?

If you're sick and tired of Candida I have some suggestions for you from a former sufferer. I used to be fatigued with brain fog and an unknown lack of physical energy for years. I used to treat Candida every month with something different and as long as I did everything correctly I would stay "ok" it was like a balancing act. As soon as I slipped off of the diet or the anti-fungals and probiotics my health would slip back into the danger zone.

What I learned was this - It is absolutely 100% useless to target Candida for elimination if you don't plan on eliminating the factors that allow it to thrive in the first place. If you think about it Candida didn't just spring up out of nowhere, your immune system is too smart for that. So the cause of Candida coming to power within your body always involves a slip up of your immune system. OK then, so what allowed your immune system to slip up. Where there are quite a few factors I'll run through the most overlooked one in my mind.

Allergies - If you suffer from chronic food or environmental allergies that you are constantly exposed to then your immune system will become suppressed and allow for infections such as Candida to take place. As far as foods go begin avoiding the main allergens including Wheat, Dairy and Soy. Beyond this it is also a good idea to avoid sugar as well since it suppresses immune function.

As for environmental allergies such as mold it is a good idea to research and look into Ozone treatment for mold in homes. You'd be surprised how quickly many of your cold like allergy symptoms can lift once you get an ozone generator running in your house and killing off all the mold spores floating around.

Why Do Allergies Cause Candida?

The interesting thing to know is that liver function has been directly related to how your body deals with allergies. If your liver is 100% clean then you should notice that your allergy symptoms are much better if you even have any at all. Your liver has to detoxify everything you eat, breath and are exposed to in any way.

Everyone's Liver is under stress but the difference with someone who has allergies is that their body puts even more stress onto their Liver. This is due to histamine production that occurs in the body every time an allergy sufferer has an allergic response to anything. This histamine then needs to be broken down in the Liver, putting more stress on it. You can understand how a chronic allergy sufferer needs to not only avoid allergens but properly flush and cleanse their liver for total relief.

If you suffer from allergies then you need to eliminate your exposure but also begin rejuvenating and restoring your liver function. This is a root cause of Candida infections that once resolved can allow your body to fight off Candida naturally and will provide health benefits far beyond any you've ever experienced.

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